ROYAL AUTO SERVICE We service all makes and models (440)-915-2972 (Gary) Our engine rebuilding specialists have over 15 years of experience in repair and reb…



Dmitry Fetisov says:

Parts alone would be around $1500 – $2000 depending if you in USA or
CANADA. I have pulled motor out before and did minor rebuild on it like
timing chain, gaskits… To get it in and out is about 14 hours in garage
with a jack, stands and a cherry picker. To rebuild it like the gifted
gentlemen just shown above would take another 20-30 hours depending on
tools, space and knowlege. So 44 hours at average shop price of $80 in
canada would make a total of $3500 for labour, 

Aaron Jacks says:

im working on the Upper Oil Pan Gasket, its kind of a bitch

Aaron Jacks says:

awesome video!!! i got 540i this is awesome

Alex K says:

A job like that will not be cost efficent on a car like that. If you ever
do it you do it yourself or dont do it.

Dante070890 says:

how long does a procedure like this usualy take? cuz i’m interested on
doing it on my e39 as well

Ola sørland says:

You are a genius;)

dantheman51289 says:

if it had a proper chain guide system like the M60 you never would have had
to do any of this

pat metz says:

on a 740il how much would it cost to do this inclouding all parts

Jose Francisco Medeiros says:

You guys are fast. May I suggest a engine stand, so you don’t have to bend
down so much.

andken999 says:


XDarkR3aperX says:

@ROYAL AutoSERVICE Hello, what’s the song name?

FilebaseR says:

Nice! Hard Work

MyGhostie says:

nice video but can u post one with the engine actually running thanks

Donnie Strybos says:

Great video. Kind of explains why my oil leak cost $1500.usd to repair.

Walker71820061 says:

its not that bad. if you ever did a e36 its the same thing just the exhaust
& trans is heavier, you need to take out both o2’s & you need a special
tool for the fly wheel o and just a lot of plastics and heat shields under
the car before you can get to the main stuff

wlodar577 says:

no i pod koniec filmu typ wyjechał z warsztatu bez oleju w silniku
hahahahaha od wspomagania wlali płyn chłodniczy wlali ale zapomnieli o
oleju do silnika

Sam Tafreshi says:

How much does it cost?

cqamorim says:

Hi! nice job! Can you help me? What did you use instead the original
gasket? A kind of silicon? Is better than gasket? Is a special silicon? I’m
facing a several oil leaking (spill) and original gaskets here in Brazil
they are too expensive. My best regards!

7777AMG7777 says:

Strip down, removal, rebuild, installation in under 10 minutes. Thats gotta
be a record, Like it!

Рустам Джан says:

This man I think HI is A CAR GOD!!!!!=)))

500rona says:

the best job in the world, i like cars from i dont know how old cant
remember maybe 2, 3 years old im now 16 and studying for this job

Jose Francisco Medeiros says:

Your engine will probably go 300,000 as long as you don’t let the engine
overheat and use a quality synthetic based engine oil.

livdinion says:

i fucking love engine rebuild videos and car restauration videos also but
there are very little interesting on youtube uploaded. Good job guys,would
have been cool if you exited time lapse at first startup after rebuild 🙂

Gu Oat says:

AEM FIC can solve a problem of close loop and it can used with V8 M62tub44
engine right?

Nic E says:

well done you guys

majerigo says:

wow he’s really good. Much respect. Keep it up.

clearwater says:

Hi where are you located??

Jimmy Evans says:

Hello, I just brought my brother a 1999 328i bmw and it recently started to
overheat. He took it to a mechanic and they did a pressure test and
indicated a valve job must be done and the cost will be 3K. What do you
think and if a valve job is needed, will a rebuilding the engine be alot
better? Can I book an appointment with you if needs be? he’s located in
Atlanta, GA…one more question, when the engine is rebuilt, does the
mileage stay the same…thank you

Marvin Benson says:

How hard is it to replace clutch in 97 bmw 540i 6 speed?

piddyirishman says:

great video guys. you guys sure know what your doing. i didnt think it was
possible to rebuild these engines because of the aluminium block is quite
soft material, but yous proved me wrong. good work 🙂

specsavers44 says:

Great video and yes, get as much out of the way as possible, i.e. bumper,
rads etc.

Viktor Agnar Falk Guðmundsson says:

I love how easy BMWs are to work on 🙂 Definately a good video, only wish
it took 10minutes to do all this 🙂 hehehe

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