Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) and Pan Replacement N55 DIY – 2011 BMW 535i F10 3.0 turbo motor

Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) and Pan Replacement N55 DIY – 2011 BMW 535i F10 3.0 turbo motor

Here is the kit I have purchased:

These guys also offer the kit for sale, but two reasons I did not choose them were: price was higher and shipping only to USA.–227-109.html



bimmersavvy says:

This is what I was looking for. Thanks for uploading this video

Michael Bennett says:

The torque for pan bolts is 10nm

accord705 says:

Nice video, did you notice any differences in the transmission after the fluid change?

omar el mrslouhi says:

Os not thé atm œil for Life time ? Nice vidéo btw

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