VW Audi Seat Skoda,alternator not charging diagnose and repair PART2

VW Audi Seat Skoda,alternator not charging diagnose and repair PART2

Please visit my Ebay shop: http://stores.ebay.ie/goldlion-autoelectrics Hello guys,thank you for tuning in. Todays video is a part 2 for the one with regulat…



Leo Babilon says:

good jobe, thanks

Chris Theroux says:

nice simple explanation….a labeled diagram never hurts…keep up the good

bmwlover78 says:

thanks nice one.

Artur Osiński says:

🙂 Yea nice movie 🙂 You forget too add when You put slip ring , be cerfull
to not push tem too far becouse then they broke legs :), but the movie very
good, nice job

Aadi Singh says:

Excellent tutorial! thanks so much.

JoeNunes345 says:

Very informative and easy to follow. P.S i want to make an alternator test
bench. What is the minumum size motor i could use and do you know of any
good easy designs for such a bench that wont take up much room? Many
thanks, Joe

Jack Black says:

Young men today haven’t a clue about doing anything practical. So thanks
for helping to turn this situation around.

Nikola Stojanovski says:

how to get out od car the alterantor, can you tell me the steps ? ?

Marcos Nunes says:

Excellent video, congratulations!

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