MP3, USB, SD, Aux-in audio adapter for AUDI – DSound USB interfaces

MP3, USB, SD, Aux-in audio adapter for AUDI – DSound USB interfaces

Find USB interface compatible with Your car at – Audi…



Carl Boyd says:

Bad video doesn’t explain a thing total waste of time 

converse7771 says:

song name?

nome desperado says:

@DSOUND.LT UAB does your cdc still work properly? is concert 1 compatible
with parallel harness? best regards

Ka2kas1 says:

O ant Audi Delta CC neina pajungt sito?

Asim Tabakovic says:

Ich habe audi gekauft mit dem gleichen auto radio und wills von dir bitte
wiesen wie der abdapter heist !!!!

Andrius Gardauskas says:

Sveiki. Turiu concert I ar pas mane priimtu si adapteri? Ir kuojis skiriasi
nuo Yatour adapterio?


Jei valdo CD keitiklį – galima yra pora modelių kurie nevaldo CD keitiklio

Lucian Zaharescu says:

Just wanna ask what kind of audi is that one and if the adapter workes as
also on Chorus 1 ?

Cesar Jimenez banos says:

where i can get those keys for remove the radio?

TranzystorTV says:

Of course, i know that. He asked about chorus first generation…

Ka2kas1 says:

Just cut them off out of plastic or melat (old top-up card, old bank card
etc.). The shape for original Audi MCs is quite simple. It’s like knife,
only with little cut at the edge. You’ll find the shape on google. It’s
very easy to make those keys on your own. Good luck 🙂

Luc Petuccio says:

sveiki. siandien Lavernoj Kaune, norejau isigyti adapteri. pas mane magas
Chorus I, atnese adapteri pardavejas ir su juo bandem pajungti. fiskes
tinka, taciau neradom kaip ijungi, kad nuskaitytu kaip CD changeri pati
adapteri magas. gal galite pagelbet? manau turetu buti kazkokia
kombinacija, kuria paspaudus ar palaikius pradeda nuskaityti adapteri, nes
nera jokio mygtuko, kaip CD ar pan.

Mole Maguires says:

just put new car radio cd in mine dumpd old concert tape one..// audi a4
1998 issue 1.8cc

TranzystorTV says:

No, chorus does not support CD Changer:( This is connected to CD changer


Only Chorus first generation does not support CD changer, the newer models
support CD changer control


USB adapteris tinka concert grotuvui. Pagrindiniai skirtumai tarp Yatour ir
Connects2 adapterių yra tie, kad Connect’as turi geresnį procesorių kuris
užtikrina greitesnį atminties rakto ar kortelės nuskaitymą (greičiau
persijunginės garso takeliai ir “folderiai”, geresnės kokybės garsą, bei
stabilesnį paties adapterio darbą.


Chorus l nevaldo CD keitiklio.

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