How to properly replace the timing belt on Audi A4

How to properly replace the timing belt on Audi A4

Continued here

Learn how to replace you timing belt and water pump on VW and Audi , use only oem water pump(had allot of problems with meatal impeller pumps) thank you .

AUDI QUATTRO A4 19 TDI timing belt installation, 15.12.2011.

Audi A4 B6 DIY Timing Belt Change. Not a detailed explanatory video, just for interest and playing with modes on the Go Pro.



Taylin Run says:

tap tap tap tap tap goes this vid……..@ 54:00

rogerbeginify says:

Great video thanks ! Are there any aftermarket parts that are reliable? I see alot of kits for sale.

Scott C says:

Tdi’s don’t have spark plugs?

Randol Valenzuela says:

Are you close to new jersey?

Zodila Octavian says:

Hey, what car is it ? And engine code ? I have a4 b6 avf 1.9 tdi, is the same thing ?

Dick Farmer says:

Great video! Very informative. I wish you had a video as good as this one for the 3.0 litre engine.

Welsh Jim says:

Outstanding videos. I've got 135000 on my car so due for a timing belt, water pump change. Never done this job before. I've got the ALT 2 ltr petrol. Is the procedure pretty much the same for my engine thx

Czech Mate says:

Wow!!!! What an AMAZING video!!!! You make it look too damn easy!!

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