Black Audi Rings

Black Audi Rings

DIY tutorial on how to remove chrome Audi rings emblem and replace with black Audi rings emblem.



TheMatrixHasYou says:

mute and enjoy๏ปฟ

ultimatetaba says:

Thanks for the heads up (late reply; sorry). I haven’t had any issues with
it, but for future reference I will be sure to keep that in mind.

anon1561 says:

googone strips clear coating, so be careful with it

sik59rt says:

What gen a4 is that? I didn’t take my rings off b/c I thought they had pins
that go into the trunk. Good to know they aren’t

strpurege says:

lol fish wire for the back, slide it across so easy. front use tweezers to
get the clips. done ๐Ÿ˜€

71990 says:



time for bed!

chickenwingpizza69 says:

I’m assuming its the same process to remove the 1.8 T and A4 badge as well.
But correct me if I’m wrong

mysupra1 says:

you could have used plasti dip you’d still get the same result and would
have saved time and money. just saying… it looks dope though

vlady957 says:

Is it easy to take the emblem from the front of the car i would like to put
a black audi emblem too. If you blow dry the emblem how long do you blow
dry it because you can mess up the paint

BranPSU13 says:

good job man….wut was the actual time that it took u to do this whole

ultimatetaba says:

The front is not as simple. I’d say not simple at all, really. lol. You’d
have to take the bumper off to get to the grille, which is how you’d have
access to the rings in the front. Just heat it up until the adhesive gets
soft. That’s all you really need

NoChanceProductions says:


kool9652 says:

I was wondering if I could do the same thing to my audi, but not the rings.
I wanted to change the silver 1.8t to red.

ultimatetaba says:

Yup..we are. My dad and I get up at around 6 in the morning to wash the
car, because we like to finish the actual washing before the sun comes
up…no water spots FTW. ๐Ÿ˜› Therefore, we are in pajamas cuz it’s still
hella early

Mupp1t says:

when you were removing that emblem i saw you using a hair dryer and did you
use the goo removal product? like you just squirt it all on the emblem out
and everywhere then use the hair dryer?

Mussa says:

@ultimatetaba Not sure about the b7, but on the b8 and you can remove the
front emblem fairly easily without removing the bumper. What I did was open
the hood, remove the plastic piece in the way by unscrewing it (Not sure
what it’s called, but if you see it you’ll know) then I reached behind the
bumper to the back of the emblem and used a flathead screwdriver to pop off
3-4 of the plastic pieces on the emblem that hold the emblem in place. Once
you do that, you can pull it right off. No car dmg

glhman222 says:

neuspeed rocks

ultimatetaba says:

mmm…maybe about +/-30 mins.

Gary Hall says:

Nice job. Thanks for the tips.

sharpietagger24 says:

anh la ngoi vietnam?

lololzak says:

screwdriver with you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Amex Gate says:

Could have used 3M emblem adhesive tape. Its OEM.

ultimatetaba says:

I actully ended up debadging my emblems fully..on my car though.

TheCorvette112 says:

hey man, what did you do with the old emblems, i’ll buy them off you for a
couple bucks. let me know

dominatordan says:

Its cool.I was just effing with you…. Again, nice vid!

acedogg692005 says:

I think it would’ve look better without the badge at all =)

FriedRiceAlex says:

Nice work.

k00lball3r says:

good tutorial, shitty music

dominatordan says:

Nice! Great video! Are you and your family in pajama’s though? LOL
A3_Danimal on the Vortex

dracolnyte says:

3:59 looks like hes humping his car, i’d tap that too

rhcpforlife1226 says:

thats sick. did you buy the emblem, or spray paint it.

Lax Mawrence says:

oh really? is that why 9 other people agree with me? idiot…

acedogg692005 says:

@ultimatetaba haha I just debaged my Grand Cherokee too

Jorden Birks says:

ebays a good place to start looking

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