audi a4 b5 cluster center screen lcd replacement

audi a4 b5 cluster center screen lcd replacement

replacing center lcd screen in audi a4 b5 cluster.



Martin Ilchev says:

Thank you for this video

Girlboardsaresexy says:

Bullshit anybody can do anything, I went from only knowing how to change my oil and rotate my tires, to pulling my motor and tranny swapping turbos mounts clutch flywheel oil seals, timing can do anything, this is not rocket science

Justin Beer says:

Excellent technique was considering doing this job myself but now I know better.

rickyvwt says:

Can you use a lcd screen from an old cell phone??

MegaRocky2011 says:

I thought you are .. bwhahaha

Rich Koldenhoven says:

Have mine apart – not afraid to solder – afraid to pull the needles off. Can you give some instruction on that part?

ItsSethW says:

If you knew anything about soldering car components, you wouldn’t need to ask what tools he’s using or solder he’s using, and if you don’t know, you shouldn’t be doing something like this. Nice video.

Abe B says:

I find it mind boggling that people are so rude. This guy has taken the time to show you how to do something and you’re whining like 5 year olds. There’s an old adage, if you haven’t got something nice to say then don’t say it. Nice vid and thanks for posting

tangled Line says:

Screw that-LKQ time.

danolt87 says:

That’s something that a lot of people know the steps for this procedure.But no one say nothing about the tools used for this,such as the power of the soldering gun or the temperature for unsoldering the lcd contacts.So,useless like a lot of other DIY video-shit’s…

Discoverybeyond says:

What’s that heater called that you’re using to get the old LCD screen off in the beginning? And where can you get them?

19785244 says:

Awesome job how much you think you would charge to do an Audi TT?

JsmokeVR6 says:

haha yeah i attempted this over week ago. didnt end up good at all. pulled up 5 total lines removing original. 3 of which were used. and new one doesnt work at all now,.and certainly doesnt look as clean as yours. lol i had no business attempting this.

RNMTT says:

No !! Dont attempt this if it is your first soldering job !! I have done alot of soldering in the past and and I am hesitant to do this myself. It only looks easy here !! You may not damage the cluster itself but you can damage the brand new replacement lcd or worse, the solder pads on the board, rendering the lcd useless. Please leave it to a professional !!

JsmokeVR6 says:

thanks, i will be attempting this tomorrow. what type of solder did you use? this will be my first solder job ever. lol thanks again for info

kazabazabazazazaba says:

Great fix!

But I must say that that’s a wrong way to remove SMD components. You can easily pull-up the copper traces by pulling components up like that. It is much much safer to “push” the components aside from their place after heating them up.

It would be very expensive to screw up the PCB of instrument cluster by pulling up some traces 🙁

Hellz420 says:

shut the fuck up and appreciate the fact that he’s showing us this. there are so many inconsiderate douchebags on here…

Tom Birmingham says:


MegaRocky2011 says:

You have poor soldering skills , no ESD protection , I bet you have no qualification to this .. thumbs down for you

DCUPtoejuice says:

Can you provide details on the equpiment used? Cleaner, solder, tools?

DCUPtoejuice says:

That looks soooo difficult. Oh brother!

Michael Bellofatto says:

What would u charge to do that? Please let me know.

k0mpresd says:

you have to replace the lcd.

bustfer07 says:

do you know if its possible to fix it without getting a new lcd screen? or do absolutely have to replace the lcd screen ? awesome video by the way, its very helpful

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