Audi A4 1.8t cam chain tensioner – AEB engine

Audi A4 1.8t cam chain tensioner – AEB engine

Audi A4 1.8t cam chain tensioner. Normal operation? Advice is appreciated.



carlosg815 says:

It is totally normal. Because of the greater number of links and that
number not being a multiple of the number of teeth on the gears, it takes
several turns to get the paint marks to line up again. As long as you have
16 links between timing marks, and they both line up with the arrow on the
cam caps, your timing is correct. My engine is smooth as butter without so
much as a hiccup.

Antonio T Posadas says:

made sure line up the camshafts with the marks and 16 roller pins from
right to left 16 pins o u will vend valves intake it happen to me shit, I

pdxraj says:

Hi, really useful video – thanks for posting. Quick q – if you don’t have
16 links how do you adjust it? Thanks.

carlosg815 says:

Yep, I definitely got that answer before I put it all back together. Car
has run great for the last 6 months or so.

tempest411 says:

I have one these engines in an Audi TT. What a horrible design! They
could’ve just linked the cams together with gears, and they’d have zero
problems with tensioner noises and leaks….

ss kk says:

Thanks for the video

rjbailor78 says:

Did you figure this out yet? I’m getting ready to build a 1.8t head and
would like to hear why it was doing that.

MrJoemama2000 says:

Dude, the upper pad slams down because you have not yet built up oil
pressure to dampen the valve train tension. The marks do not come back
because of the difference in teeth vs links. bolt that sucker up, crank the
car with the coil packs unplugged to establish oil pressure and enjoy!!!

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