1.8T Audi Timing Kit Install / Mini Cooper

1.8T Audi Timing Kit Install / Mini Cooper

The day has finally come, I bought a Timing kit for the Audi swapped 1.8t classic mini. The belt part is pretty self explanatory but the chain part of the process can be confusing, this is not a how to vid but is part of my build, for a proper how to vid, watch the @HumbleMechanic as I did and it was a ton of help 🙏🏻



Real says:

Keep it up bro!

Andrew Johnson says:

well done mate!

Xsidon says:

can anyone elaborate on why is the intake cam offset from it's mark? i know it's supposed to be crooked like that but how come it's in the correct position like that. Surely when they put the engines together in the factory they would see and fix that. Did anyone study that subject?

Jon Stout says:

Great work, as usual! I might have missed this along the way, but which variant of the 1.8t is going in?

Skidmore’s Garage says:

Looking good bro

dangerdan04 says:

doopppeeeeeeeeeee! timing is always tricky. you got it down man good job!

Aussie Truck Photos and Models Reviews says:

Good to see you back doing videos. Have a look for Hand built cars Austin Mini cooper, it's a pretty impressive build

Wez says:

Great video. Would love to see more. ❤

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