NSX Oil Change

NSX Oil Change

Oil changes are quite possibly the most important and frequent maintenance item that should be performed on your car, yet so often overlooked. We take you st…



Cerebrality says:

Doing an oil change when the engine is cold
Nice /sarcasm

choppysmash says:

The engine is supposed to be warm when you change it. The hotter the oil
the thinner it gets so when you drain it warm it flows better and more gets
drained out.

Ethan Newman says:

@mauiboypoi yeah ive heard about that, its funny cuz everything bosch makes
is absolutely amazing, accept plugs, hahah its like your paying for the
name, for no reason at all

iVTECInside says:

Couple things: -For starters 3 months or 3000miles is overkill in A LOT of
cases -Its generally better to have a warm engine so that the oil flows a
little easier when draining. -Noobs: USE A TORQUE WRENCH when tightening
the drain plug (usually 30lb-ftish). Damaging those threads will ruin your
day. Preference, but I leave the plug out until after I remove the oil
filter. When you break the seal on the filter you’ll find that you can get
a short surge out the drain as well.

SSjLuigi1 says:

@anx1300c waaaaaaaittt wait wait whats wrong with framskies??

tcss4 says:

Good video. But Y did u not use a royal purple oil filter w/ rp oil. To
make it work alot better.

ltwargssf R says:

well the way I drive it get brown around 3000 which is when I change it

mauiboypoi says:

@EthansOpinion92 i have never bought a fram oil filter and knew nothing
about it and after what you said i looked up some vids on youtube and your
right they r a peace of shit.. sorry about that

polished206 says:

Thanks for the video…great video i think!!!

Jaime Nerio says:

who the fuck uses a fram filter on a nsx wtf thats retarded….

Jose Moreno says:

I have a good feeling about this!!!!!!!!!! the show i mean!

Amiga3000 says:

@mauiboypoi Wow, I would never has spoken those words, Google
31190-oil-filters-dissected. and keep in-mind that these are the “higher
end” filters made by fram. Dissections of the entry level filters like the
one shown in this video are harder to find as fram’s layers usually
shutdown the website and sue the people who show the internals of their oil
filters. Look at the Wix and then look at fram’s offerings. The fram filter
looks like a 5year old’s construction paper project. All the same?

pyromonster99 says:

@mauiboypoi really? do you even know what group II, II+,III, IV, base
stocks are? do you know what ester base stock is? cus thats what makes all
oils different jack-arse!

mathew apostle says:

He says to change the oil when the engines cool..thats not true! You want
to change the oil when its hot, this helps to drain all the sludge and gunk
thats accumulated in your engine!

bludika says:

i wouldn’t want this dude changing my oil

gansan00 says:

Oh man, I can’t believe he jacked up the NSX in the back like that. You
should never do that. That’s sheet aluminum and muffler piping there.
Better to use the jacking points on the side.

josh d says:

first off my first mechanic job was at pepboys, and u do not have to be ASE
certified. second, people throw around the phrase “ASE certified” alot.
Okay, there are 8 core ASE certifications, so people need to be a bit more
specific. if u have all 8 then u are master certified. ASE certified does
mean shit. the tests are hard (but a bit outdated). for the engine tests
they ask questions that only a skilled mechanic would know. so if we could
please give ASE certification a bit more respect!

mauiboypoi says:

@EthansOpinion92 oil is not rocket science.. all oil is good i dont know
why people make a big deal over oil as long as you do it every 3000 k it
really does not mater what oil you use as long as its name brand

thecartel360 says:

Omg a nasty old Fram …now that’s a nasty little bugger right there.

Tarique Green says:

Good video, helpful info

Ron nsx says:

Wow rick! u cant used a regular torque wrench in the nsx. this guy giving
false information hahaha. when u torque the bolt used OEM spec.

Julien Bonelli says:

I want to by either a “99 or ’02 year NSX. I live any good tips on where to
find one?

trainlinezoo says:

@lordbemylight Those rotors aren’t as good as they look. The slots are
great but the drilled holes become weak spots under mega-heat.

thenanook2 says:

Dude do not stop doing vids, you are very good, very easy to understand.
AAA+ Keep going

cartmankk2 says:

@Audioquest56 no engine deserves a fram

kalit8001 says:

@mauiboypoi Why not just change the oil the proper way in the first place?
New or otherwise. Oil IS a big deal, unlike your post says above. Oil is
the blood of the engine. Use quality oil, and change it regularly with the
engine WARMED UP and you shouldn’t even have to use seafoam. Why spend the
extra time, energy, and money of changing your oil twice in one week plus
the cost of the seafoam, when you could have just done it properly in the
first place…c’mon man, Think about it.

mmarmash says:

@mauiboypoi if the only thing that ruins oil is metal shavings then a
filter should be good for keeping oil good for ever ! oil deteriorates with
time and use , and especially faster in high revving and turbo engines,
turbos use oil to cool down and lubricate and unless you want to throw ur
turbo bearing, change ur oil regurerly on turbos and 7k plus revvers, but
in ur case i just think that ur a kid that has been around some forums that
think he knows shit and still drives moms volve

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