Riceboytv presents how to install a Koyo Aluminum Radiator in an Acura RSX. Yes, this is our third story in a span of just a couple of months that has to do …



Mick turbo says:

How long did this take to do?

Tyler D. says:

I understand this is called ‘ricetv’ but do you really need all the fucking
one liners, and do you really have to have Paul walker narrating? For fuck

Tyler D. says:

Seem like good guys though.

SomeWhatAnoying says:

when all the air bubbles came out it should of lowered the level to fill
the air pockets

lewk937 says:

we’ll see how helpful this really is tomorrow when i swap my radiator -___-
i can already tell theres a bunch left out but whatevs

xoxokaligrl says:

This video is somewhat helpful if you are not really familiar with your
rsx, but there is alot of steps left out and or missing.

JFCPantheras says:

How did the remove the yellow funnel if there is too much liquid…?

boulocc says:

what’s the differences between koyo denso and showa? im planning to buy one
for my 96 integra gsr but not sure which one is specifically for my gsr.

Sebastian Rogers says:

I’m working on my RSX even the color the same, haha nice. Exactly what I
needed to see, thanks!

anaisum says:

Is this place still in business? I looked this shop up, but it looked
completely closed.

speedydragon says:

lol he probably knew that you were going to keep his car so he brought it
in with no gas so yo ucan’t drive it! 😀

marsdog says:

“defective radiator somewhere………” you mean besides the one you just
replaced? lol

David PhoTWENTY says:

hahaahahahahha “y do u bring ur car over here with no gas” ahhahaha funny

Kevin Cuddington says:

@JFCPantheras drink it out.

tylernautica says:

holy pay the man already rick

Humberto Garcia Miranda says:

el servicios es rapido y muy economico good deal !!!!!!!!!!!

torana80 says:

If you dont flush the old coolant out the new coolant will be contaminated
which will cause lots of problems in the cooling system such as corrosion
and even stay current. use a coolant test strip and check the PH u will be

Bunna says:

i miss my koyo

torana80 says:

Why not flush the old coolant out ? Mixing new coolant with old shit is

ThisNamesNowTaken says:

2 months later, what’s the word? out of business?

zabcod says:

how is it pointless? coolant is coolant.

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