Seat Removal, Volvo 850, S70, V70, etc. – Auto Repair Series

Seat Removal, Volvo 850, S70, V70, etc. – Auto Repair Series

Seat Removal: 15 to 30 minutes This video will show you how to remove a seat from a Volvo 850. The process will be the same for the S70 and V70. WARNING: If …



Jao Nolan says:

Hi Robert, many thanks for sharing these vids, really helped me so much
keep up all the gr8 work, Cheers James..Dublin/Ireland.

Robert DIY says:

I agree with my daughter’s S70 seats.

fredintheshed1 says:

I have to say that the seats in my C70 are the most comfortable I have ever had.

Robert DIY says:

Thanks for watching.

Torgeir Strander says:

Very helpful, thanks Robert!

Robert DIY says:

I do have one. Go to my channel and click the search glass next to the ABOUT link. Then type in “Seat Belt Replacement” and the video will appear.

BLAZEWON414 says:

Would you please make a video on how to replace the driversside seatbelt on a 96 Volvo 850.Mine doesnt work at all.I want to do it myself, but I dont have the proper knowledge.Thank you so much, your videos are very helpful!

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