Rear Bumper Removal, Bracket Replacement, Volvo 850, V70, etc. – Auto Repair Series

Rear Bumper Removal, Bracket Replacement, Volvo 850, V70, etc. – Auto Repair Series

Bumper Removal: 10 to 30 minutes If you live up north, especially where the roads are salted, there is a good chance that your bumper mounts are rusted out o…



Robert DIY says:

LOL, Most people hit grill to bumper. While they are on their brakes, the nose of their car is low and their bumper goes under the bumper of the car in front of them. It’s an accident flaw. So the car in the back slides under the car in front, crashes their grill, radiator, ac condenser, transmission cooler. lights, finder, and hood (sometimes pushes that stuff into the motor and damages that stuff). Yes the Volvo does have a strong rear bumper but a car that dips doesn’t help.

MsMikko81 says:

This bumper looks strong. No wonder my friends Mazda 626 1988 got severe damage when he rear-ended 850.

Robert DIY says:

Yes. Thanks for watching.

apheus27 says:

Does this bumper removal also apply to a S70?

1squeez says:

I have learned so much from you. Thanks and keep the Volvo repairs coming.

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