VW Golf 3 removing driver door panel

VW Golf 3 removing driver door panel

How to remove the front right driver door panel of Volkswagen golf 3.



Bas Vossen says:

just discovered a typical ‘nigger rig’ on my VW Golf iii 1996. They took
out the entire window motor, and replaced it with two PVC tubes to hold the
window in place. DO NOT TRUST LATINOS!

draganb says:

hey i need to buy the lil clip button things that are used to secure the
pannle you know a site were i can buy?

Rattata says:

Can you make one on how to remove the door handle as well? 😀 The door
handle on my rear right door doesn’t work from the outside. When I pull the
handle, I see that something is missing inside the mechanism (compared to
other doors). I guess it’s a spring which has popped off somewhere, but I
can’t access it.

thetime417 says:

@Rattata Hi, your rear door panel is removing just like this, the sponge is
sticked with some kind of “glue” (black thing) under it you can see the
whole mechanism of the lock, you can pull the handle from outside while
watching inside, there is a metal thing that must be inside the handles
right end hole. If something is broken you must change 🙁 If not, there are
3 bolts on the door side, remove that bolts, your lock mechanism will
become free to move and put inside that hole. write if problem

him01natl says:

Great video & just in time for me to repair mine. Thnx

Rattata says:

@thetime417 Hi. I already fixed this yesterday. Was quite easy 🙂

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