How to Change the Oil Dipstick Tube on a Volkswagen Jetta

How to Change the Oil Dipstick Tube on a Volkswagen Jetta

This video shows how to change the dipstick tube on any 2 liter VW engine, not just a Jetta. VW uses a cheap plastic which eventually breaks. I bought the re…



Kevin Brady says:

Thanks. I’ll be doing this next week. Got the tube for 3.98 with free
shipping on eBay.

bumblejumper82 says:

Just checked my dipstick and it’s knackered – but thanks to your video I’m
going to have a go at fixing it on the weekend. Thanks a lot! :-D

sublimegabe says:

This pisses me off that volkswagon is cutting costs and putting out
inferior parts. I work in a shop and these break all of time. Let’s put a
cheap plastic tube close to an engine that is putting out tons of heat on a
daily basis. At least its easy to replace I suppose 

sublimegabe says:

This pisses me off that volkswagon is cutting costs and putting out
inferior parts. I work in a shop and these break all of time. Let’s put a
cheap plastic tube close to an engine that is putting out tons of heat on a
daily basis. At least its easy to replace I suppose 

xi yuan Zhang says:

Plastic, fantastic.LOL

angie guerrero says:

Awesome he explained everything in detail.

amethystames says:

Thank you so much! I’m not sure why I couldn’t find it. I’m quite certain
this will be perfect for my 2001 Jetta!

amethystames says:

Do you know the part number for the funnel tube? I have looked under VW
Jetta and under universal parts and can not seem to find the funnel tube on
Rock Auto. Thank you!

Ricardo Contreras says:

Thanks a lot

sam1174 says:

I love hearing stories like that, Mason. Thanks for the feedback!

Dw00d17 says:

Great vid! This is the best one I’ve found. I recently noticed I had this
problem in my 2001 Jetta 2.0. Also, that is the cleanest engine I have ever
seen! Was it new or did you use some type of cleaner on it? Thanks again!

Joseph Costa says:

I was just going to take my daughters bug to the mechainc. Not now!

Bob Atkins says:

Awesome. Thanks!

ChompChompNomNom says:

Thanks I have the same engine and the same problem

Joe Bolufe says:

Great video….I have the same issue. Would it be a problem if I drive
around with a broken tube while I wait for the new one to arrive?

bianca956 says:

Thanks for this video:)

Arthur Eng says:

Thanks! Went to vw and paid 15 for the funnel tube.

Mike L. says:

Thank you for the video! well done!

Jerre Spurgeon says:

I can’t believe I almost paid $90 bucks for a mechanic to do this. Thank
you for the help! I got my car fixed up and saved a ton of money.

sam1174 says:

It’s 06A103663C. They have two. One’s a buck ten, the other is $8.03. I’d
buy the one for $1.10. 🙂

Max Maertz says:

Thank you for taking time out of your day to make a very well made video…
Now I gotta go fix my gti!

Texasmongoose1 says:

I like this info. I had this problem also it gave me a better understanding
as to how it was connected. I have the Diesel 1.9 2004 model it does not
have the top holding part. I found I could cut the part that is left on the
metal from bottom to top a bit with a razor knife and pull the old one off
instead of cutters so it came up/off as one piece.

Mason Kong says:

I was going to take my wife’s car in to the shop to get this fixed, but
watching this video gave me full confidence that we could do it ourselves
and we did. Thank you very much.

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