DIY – Jetta MKIV Climate control panel bulb replacement

DIY – Jetta MKIV Climate control panel bulb replacement

Follow me on Twitter: Here is a quick tutorial on how to replace the bulb in the climate control panel in my MKIV Jetta. When I…



Tyson Robertson says:

just bought a jetta bout a week ago and was wondering why they chose not to light up those diles ???? silly me,just needs a new bulb…..thanks fot the vid

badass125 says:

Thank you so much for this! I got my car used, and never knew that light would work… Also thank you for showing us that pencil rubber tip to push the LED in the cluster….it helped a lot

Chronosnes says:

Awesome, thank you, someone said i needed to take the whole dash to replace this

Xavi C says:

You made my day, ur awsome, thks dude!

ImpulseRC says:

Awesome vid, thanks mate.

smoke33ify says:

The only lights that work on my climate control are the “AC” and the cycle button next to it. Do all three switches have bulbs or do they all work off of one?

tubebellas says:

Nice I hope mine just fell out too I’m going to check it out right now !!  Lol

MrSlowestD16 says:

Is there 2 separate bulbs for the other 2 dials? Or does this one bulb light everything up?

Andrew Fultz says:

Great vid. Got mine fixed now

adamkajones says:

My whole climate control panel lights are out. Are there three bulbs?

ManwaMasterPlan says:

I want to replace the piece of plastic that holds the dial’s in but I can not find one.

crpbmx says:

Thanks for the vid, just replaced mine. Originally couldn’t get it to fit, seemed a little bigger than stock, but was able to get it stuck in so it’s all good. Now I gotta figure out the center screen in between the tach and speedo.

ZlatanTDR says:

Hey dude, this guy’s video is pretty legit and helped me out big time. If he wanted to create a car-washing video then he would have

Good video man

janssen70 says:

$3 ???? ure getting ripped of bad, we sell them for 50eurocents(65dollarcents)

lordvader139 says:

Don’t know about the Mk4, but in my Mk3 there was a colored plastic piece. Doesn’t change the fact that it is a royal pain in the ass, though.

Eric Sulser says:

Great Video and Thanks for doing this, it will really help me this weekend

trickplayhard says:


OnlineBackupServices says:

girls drive automatics

BUSTABros says:

I call the dealership, the bulbs are actually only $3, also how do i remove the bulb from the socket?

Jovan Kostov says:

Should this blub light be red, or the plastic is coloured? I am asking that because I don’t know will I be able to find the original blub. Thanks on the vid, helped a lot! Cheers!

Torey Hunt says:

no Problem!

Torey Hunt says:

Wow the whole dash that would have cost some serious money! Glad I could help

Torey Hunt says:

just use pliers and wrap the tips in electrical tape so you don’t break the bulb 🙂

Torey Hunt says:

That I’m not sure. have too look at the bulb when you get it out.

Torey Hunt says:

No Problem!

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