Toyota – You Have To Fix This!

Toyota – You Have To Fix This!

Today I talk about Toyota’s remote start system!



hundoog says:

My vw passat does this. I don’t use remote start bc of it.

Richard W says:

Owner of a 2019 Tacoma trd off road here in CO. The truck does turn off when you open the door after remote start which is stupid. To remote start simply push the lock button three times, don’t have to hold it. I haven’t paid any subscription for the remote start.:)

Rusty T says:

Does the subscription extend the warranty on the parts being used?.

Hamad says:

Toyota hit us with the bmw

David Clarke says:

@Ben Mercedes has that beat! You can’t remote start the car from the key fob you have to use an app with a subscription. When you open the car door it shuts off as well.

Kevin Nguyen says:

Mine works and it's no longer on the subscription.

Ron Weasley says:

1st world problems

Ducaso says:

Damn even car manufacturers are charging extra for basic services. What a greedy world.

Darwin Chapmam says:

We generally start the car and while it is warming we brush off the snow.

Hope Springs-A-Turtle says:

Car manufacturers are so greedy.

Mack says:

Umm, if this is true I’m truly scared to see what Toyota turns into

Silent but Deadly says:

Blows my mind that a feature would even come on a vehicle that you can’t use unless you pay for it…may as well throw some bricks in the back to rattle around.

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