Toyota CEO: "Our NEW Hydrogen Engine Will Destroy The EV Industry!"

Toyota CEO: "Our NEW Hydrogen Engine Will Destroy The EV Industry!"

Toyota has unveiled a new engine that could give EVs a run for their money.
Introducing the Toyota Hydrogen Engine – a cutting-edge technology that could potentially replace traditional gasoline engines without sacrificing power or efficiency.
Toyota have spent millions of dollars trying to come up with an alternative solution that would help save the environment, but also offer the same amount of power as gasoline engines.

Toyota has long been investing in hybrid and electric cars, but the company is now taking things a step further. In 2022, Toyota announced its partnership with Yamaha Motor to develop a hydrogen-fueled engine that would offer the same level of power as gasoline engines, but with zero emissions.

Join us as we take a look at Toyota’s new Hydrogen Engines, and how they could disrupt the EV industry.

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Dan Boyd says:

Except you need a cryogenic fuel infrastructure for liquefied hydrogen at -435 degrees F.

All so you can have an engine with the same reliability issues as any internal combustion engine. More since now you're carrying a large vacuum flask that if ruptures will instantly freeze metal and humans. Ever see what happens to to things you frreeze solid with liguid nitrogen? They shatter.

Adi Brightlight says:

Here I Taiwan, soon we could buy the Toyota SUV hydrogen

John Porter says:

More propaganda from Big Oil to grasp the remainder of petrofuels…

dirtydimitris says:

I don t know if the oil companies let them do it but i love the idea.

chris coughlan says:

i hope so!! cuz EVs are BS!! Biggest scam ever!! where does the fuel come from to `power these so called green vehicles?? yes fossil fuels!!!

Bmore Metal says:

I believe hydrogen is more environmentally friendly than electricity

Tony Flew says:

The major question is ‘where does the hydrogen come from’? How is it produced?

Nelson Kaiton says:

If it gets us off our dependence on oil, great!

Ghazanfar Javaid says:

E.V is failed,in future I will purchase hydrogen engine car…

Chad Albert says:

I was a tune up mechanic in the 70''s,, points condenser,,new spark plugs every 16k miles,, now spark plugs can last over 50k miles, even over 100k miles,, something is better,, when I worked on forklifts,,y boss told me,, a forklift engine running on propane will last twice as long as a gasoline powered engine,,!!! On a tune up ,, we still replaced, points, condenser,, spark plugs,! New jeep cost $50k, I have heard,, something just does not ring true to my ear????! Help me!!! What the mechanics always said in the garage was, ",if it ain't don't fix it!!!!? I started working on electric forklifts,, but living in Kansas,, was 109° everyday for over 3months,, the doc said I had pneumonia from heat stress,,,I moved back to Ohio,, it is raining right now,,!! Lol, The medicine man did not even do a rain dance on the local evening news-weather channel,, lol!!!

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