New MagnaFlow Overland Series Exhaust Install on a Toyota 4Runner

New MagnaFlow Overland Series Exhaust Install on a Toyota 4Runner

We all want an off-road vehicle that sounds as mean as it looks. Magnaflow’s Overland Series Performance Exhaust aims to bring more ground clearance, improved sound, and the quality you expect for your rig.

We installed their exhaust on a fifth-gen 4Runner. Read all about it right here 👉




Andrew Jarvis says:

so it's mellow?

Jim Cash. says:

A longer tail is needed , the fumes will get into cab.

Mean Dean says:

How to make a 4Runner sound good: buy the 4th gen V8, cut the muffler off
How to make a V6 4Runner sound good: turn it off

Brian Lorenz says:

what makes the toyota and most v6 sound bad is the unequal length y pipe. no magic bolt on exhaust will ever sound good. my buddy made an equal length y pipe and it sounds crazy. sounds like a whole different motor.

Kevin says:

All overland badging jokes aside. I have been running this for three months on a 2020 4runner. This is much better on the highway when it comes to drone compared to my Pro exhaust. It's a trade off low end a bit ricey/loud with little drone or the Pro nice low end sound and obnoxious highway drone. I will take the magnaflow every time.

windowclean100 says:

That beard is what killed MotorTrend

windowclean100 says:

Yep angle of departure right out the tailpipe right up the back of the truck and right in the rear window

TLCurd says:

So is this the sound with the “full set-up”, as in the u-pipe and NDT chamber? I’m dying to install this on my ‘17 Tacoma since I just got it from FedEx yesterday but didn’t realize there were 3 options for the tone/sound. Do you risk getting drone if you go for the most aggressive and just cap the second outlet on the muffler? Thanks in advance for any help, absolutely stoked about this product!

Daniel Byrns says:

Adds no power or MPG only emptys your wallet

John Ingram says:

Sounds garbage… I was expecting throaty

Soulja Yang says:

Thanks but doesn't sound that good and not loud enough

KP752 says:

There are no exhaust systems for 4th gen 4runner v6

Joshua Cabjuan says:

I don’t see overland exhaust for 2017 4Runner on the site

Taliesin Angling says:

Is it this easy for the 4th gens?

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