Can we Fix this Toyota's Transmission with Scrap parts?

Can we Fix this Toyota's Transmission with Scrap parts?

We literally have one day to replace the transmission on my Solid axle Toyota Tacoma before abandoning our trip to King of the Hammers, but its not long before we find out that I bought the wrong transmission! As a last ditch effort we buy up some scrap Toyota Tacoma transmission parts and pull an all-nighter trying to make something work. This episode is hilarious and offers very little insight or advise for actually fixing or building a transmission but i think you guys will at least have a good laugh with us as we try to figure this out. Que the clown music! #toyotatacoma #funny #shoptalk



Maxx Powell says:

VIEWER CHALLENGE: If you can watch the entire video, stone faced, and don't laugh once, DISLIKE THIS VIDEO. If this video made you laugh, HIT LIKE!

أجمل الاكلات من مطبخ ام ندى says:

جميل جدا اجمل لايك وبصمة ربنا يوفقنا جميعا يارب العالمين

Chris Larsen says:

can you pls do a property update video would love to see it

TheTruePatriot says:

Nothing ever goes to plan for you lol lots of expensive free content though haha

Treehouse Overland says:

Let's not make this about race….too funny

That Guy Nico says:

16:48 famous last words

mercurials54 says:

✊ you don’t give up when things go south.

208_will.h says:

Welcome to shit box wheeling!

mykalbee says:

Maxx proof…good luck with that.

Jeeperoni says:

Lol…..and he doesn't want a Jeep because they're unreliable. Do it Maxx, replace that Yota with a Jeep…

Liam Hunter says:

Max your pal who filmed while you and mike played with the transmission was funny as hell man! My mrs was giving me funny looks while I laughed out loud at the ipad

William Turner says:

Much appreciate how real the channel is. No hiding things when they go wrong.

hunter iven says:

I enjoy your taste in flags my friend

Matthew Gardner says:

Good to see you back at Tyler’s shop! Good to see Tyler too. Good video, I laughed my ass off.

mtnbiker49 says:

Late nights suck. Probably 11 is the cutoff point for a nice night. Past that (like 2am) trying to get something finished is not fun anymore.

evergreen prospectors says:

What seats are in your truck

Joe Mcgee says:

Dude the failures are epic, bring back only fans

Darwin Calliou says:

I know what luck is like omg its everlasting isn't it lol
Oh well chin up ol chap u got this !

Charly Seitz says:

did it start ?

sas86toy says:

lol Tacoma’s are driver drops and that Tacoma was switched to passenger drop and running gear drive t-cases

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