Suzuki forenza valve gasket replacement

Suzuki forenza valve gasket replacement

if you have oil in top of your spark plugs you might have blown valve gasket cover to fix it do ноу following. 1) remove 2 bolts witch holding plastic cover/…



Lite Finocchiaro says:

For what it’s worth, my kit came with 4 larger O-rings that I did not find when I took the valve cover off, so I did not install them. The car runs like a champ, though!

Lite Finocchiaro says:

Probably. I just did this job on my friend’s 2004 Forenza, and there was a lot of oil to clean up, including between the camshafts there where it’s supposed to be dry. Thanks to the uploader for posting this, even if it’s short. It’s good to see that other people are documenting this problem, since it’s a quick and cheap fix.

Alexey Gavrilov says:

no.. sorry was no time to film in details i was working on my main job…

Gwinnis Satchell says:

is there a part 2 to this video

Alexey Gavrilov says:

i made while working at my other job was very hard to video details, sorry about that.. i ‘ m always working on improving quality of my vids..

Vickie Arroyo says:

How about showing us how to install a valve cover gasket. Why not start with that. .28 seconds, seriously?

Alexey Gavrilov says:

🙁 ;-( don’t what it any more then…

stuzman52 says:

I’m not sure why you even showed what you did. Pretty useless video…

amenovb says:

спасибо большое!

mayka11111 says:


Alexey Gavrilov says:

this suction ball my friend for whom i was doing this labor he bought it in CVC farmacy… it used for babies… i think that autozone have the same item but they charge more..

77chicagoj says:

What were you using the suction ball for in between the came access oil ?

Alexey Gavrilov says:

Sorry… i made only one part… if you have any questions please ask…

77chicagoj says:

Is there a part 2 to this video

Alexey Gavrilov says:

Да..  я использовал герметик во всей крышки… нет крышка ГРМ не мешала … хотя немного пришлось пошатать покрутить крышку грм чтобы снять крушку клопанов…

когда будешь устанавливать крушку грм с новой прокладкой убедись что нет нигде задиров а то прийдется все переделывать..

amenovb says:

спасибо за видео! У меня вопросы:
– использовал ли ты при замене герметик, и если да по всей поверхности или в каких то отдельных местах?
-не мешала ли крышка грм при снятии-установке клапанной крышки?

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