Key Battery Suzuki Proximity keyfob HOW TO change

Key Battery Suzuki Proximity keyfob HOW TO change

|If you have a Suzuki Proximity Car Key, this video will help you to change the battery on the keyfob, it is easy to do. The important thing is that you are carefull when splitting open the case. When you pop the screwdriver, or coin in the slot, just make sure that you don’t slip and let the screwdriver enter the inside of the key. The reason is that there are delicate components inside and they can easily get damaged.

The battery you need is a CR2032 Click on the link below to buy it from Amazon

Our business is based in Lincoln and we help many people every week with car keys. Our website is below

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Kelly Hughes says:

Cheers for the video. Mine suddenly stopped. Was able to replace the battery. Still wouldn't work, so came back to the video and good as new

Jeremy Benson says:

You sir, are a life saver. Battery went flat on day of blizzard. Problem fixed!

Allondrae Fyfield says:

Hi, I am having trouble finding this key as I need to purchase one for my vehicle. Do you mind providing the source from which you purchased it?

Bindi B says:

Thank you, I need to do this as soon as my new batteries arrive so this is really useful.


I bought a battery from COOP and the fob isn't working on neither of my keys. Must have been bloody washed in the washing machine or something …

Lucy Stevens says:

How do you record the fob please?

Snurre86 says:

90% off the time the battery is not gong to be the problem.

Martins Trucking Videos says:

I've changed the battery but no lights are coming on

Συμεων Χαραλαμπιδης says:

Thank you very much!

Mr. Smith says:

how is your battery working when you put it upside down? + on negative and – to positive and works?

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