How to Replace Motorcycle Grips

How to Replace Motorcycle Grips

How to replace motorcycle grips. Here is a short video of me replacing my grips on my CBR 900RR. I am using a razor blade, rubbing alcohol, and a hand towel …



Ashlee Moncier says:

i just still dont understand how you put on the grips on the throttle side

JarodCoomer says:

Thank you soooo much man.

theninja250 says:

The bolts holding the end caps on are ungodly tight! I can not get them to
move. And I am not weak. Newer bike just thinking everything still fresh
and tight. Might get a breaker bar and try.

Allen Klingsporn says:

Smh, you are an idiot. Those are the same things that EVERY genre of music
talks about. You should step out from underneath your rock, where you have
sex with your sister, once in a great while.

Metalor says:

Mate, please be quiet.

VeeDubDon says:

Thanks for the vid man, worked like a dream on my Yamaha.

mothman1967 says:

The main thing I learned from this was the value of the freakin’ mute

represto says:

What was in the bottle?

q8sniper2 says:

@gspot750 do we need to put alcohol there ???

flacoman91 says:

thanks. that was very helpful

Germain Moya says:

Thanks Driverman281. Although I tried to change the music with newer
original stuff but YouTube does not have that option. Check out
FalseStepMusic channel for a lot better songs Thanks all for watching.

q8sniper2 says:

@gspot750 I guess cleaning it using a towel is enough right ?

Germain Moya says:

I’ll work on a link for you to be able to download it. Thanks for watching

Germain Moya says:

Thanks for watching!!! I appreciate the view.

eeeeeeeeevil says:

windex works better than rubbing alcohol

danvmp706 says:

I suggest using Thread Locker. Thread tape’s not bad, but it’s not the
“right tool for the job”.

yungsekiete says:

so after the alcohol evaporated did the grips stiffen up and not move or
did they kinda move in place and just spin on the bar?

Damain Sampson says:

Thanks BRO good video short, quick,and simple

ClubCrosstrek says:

Thanks for the helpful video!

trow26 says:

Your video is on point. The music was solid too. Thanks.

trow26 says:

Your video is on point. The music was solid too. Thanks.

driverman281 says:

It’s funny how we have so many YouTube critics out there. No ones making
you watch this video. Get a f-ing life! Good video even with the music, my
grips should be here any day.

one2exile says:

very nice bike bro

Germain Moya says:

@yungsekiete They grips stick just fine no movement

TheGholiday says:

thank you, most helpful

NinjaSpecter7 says:

wow horrible music

Legitluke says:

Nices underwear ya gangsta.

thepopularjock says:

Nice video. Thanks for sharing

forza Milan says:

good vid man. like you said “pretty simple stuff” but its easier when see
someone else do it first. thanks

Germain Moya says:

thanks for watching but in the time it took you to write this comment you
could have pressed mute and just watched the video.

Ed Nightingale says:

Very simple, I going to change my busa grips now, wish me luck.

Dinkymod says:

I can taste this music and I think it tastes like poop.

Germain Moya says:

You can certainly use that as well but it is not necessary. The grips will
hold just fine. Thanks for watching!

TheGhettoBosss says:


westeh says:

good video fucking awfull music !

greenmarine5 says:

Castro Super Clean takes that old glue rite off and won’t harm the
plastic…just don’t get it on your paint or Aluminum

Athena M says:

Hair spray works good too 🙂

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