How to install a Nameless Performance 5" muffler on 2016 Subaru Outback

How to install a Nameless Performance 5" muffler on 2016 Subaru Outback

Installation is pretty simple & straightforward; getting the exhaust hangers off and back on is by far the most difficult part. Probably took me 30 minutes in total, largely due to those hangers.

There’s only so much you can tell from the videos, but trust me when I say you can hear the exhaust quite well while driving, especially anytime your RPMs get above 1800. I can’t imagine what the muffler delete version sounds like! Bzzzzzzz

Nameless Performance Axleback exhaust: (not an affiliate link)



Andy Moore says:

What do you think? Too loud? Not loud enough? Lemme know!

Austin Ross says:

thanks for doing a video on the muffled axle back man, appreciate it!

Victor Thomas says:

definitely buying the exhaust now

Josiah Popa says:

Sounds great

Javier Gonzalez says:

Thinking of adding this to my small list of "tasteful" modifications for my 2018 Outback, to make it more like a sportier Legacy wagon we've never got for the 6th generation. It's burblely like an EJ series 2.5 but not raspy like an opened up STI or WRX exhaust, that I kind of grew out of (turned 21), but has a hint of performance to it that made me love the rumble.

Now to find my MonoSS coilovers, a JDM B4 front end, and a nice set of wheels and it'll be perfect.

Rand Thompson says:

Did it add any MPGs?

Sek says:

would this be the same process for the muffler delete version?

IMStrick says:

Trying to do the exact same thing with similar tools and the bolts just won’t budge. Any suggestions? Thanks!

This Is OOmpaville says:

The person that disliked the vid was your son

Darren Smith says:

Thanks for the video, couldn't find anything on how to do this…I'm doing a straight swap with a standard walker on my 2015 as the baffle welds have gone making it vibrate. Looks pretty easy and no jack stands required.

DarkJord says:

did you do both sides

Joseph Zerbe says:

Awesome video very helpful. Was just looking for a video that was simple and quick to install an new muffler. Thanks!

haywood jablowme says:

a quality piece for sure, just not for me. folgers racing. thanks for posting

Bojan S. says:

Did you lift the vehicle to do the swap?

Alain Brisebois says:

Not loud at all. You can hear something but not anoying at all. I think it's a good thing that you can hear that your motor reving. I put dual WRX on my H6 and I anjoy them alot. If anybody dont like the rumble…they can walk .

Peter Jagersky says:

Hi Andy. What is that towing system you have mounted on? Tx

George Tam says:

Does this void the drive train warranty?

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