Don’t Ride the Clutch! Or THIS Happens featuring a Subaru Impreza

Don’t Ride the Clutch!  Or THIS Happens featuring a Subaru Impreza

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MrNotorius5500 says:

The one thing I noticed about this teardown it it’s very clean!. No oil or
fluids, dirt or anything! How did you manage that?

chrizzlephaa says:

Great video! Makes me laugh to see that Americans can’t drive a manual 😉
My only concern would be leaving the engine above the car light that, just
in case the lift failed for some reason! Personally, I’d move it away- but
that’s probably me being over cautious :p

asustech007 says:

I’ve found out one time, if you ever change a clutch for someone who don’t
know HOW to operate one, you will indeed get the blame for the one you put
in for not working right… even though it works perfect. Changed a clutch
one time for a 19 year old kid that had no business owning a vehicle with a
clutch, only to find out he thought there was something wrong with the one
I changed when in fact there wasn’t anything wrong with it, he just didn’t
know HOW to operate it. After driving the truck myself with him in it just
to show him there wasn’t anything wrong, I suggested he go buy a truck with
an automatic cause he wasn’t driving it right. A few months later he was
driving a truck with an automatic…. the kid just couldn’t get the hang of
how to operate a clutch, all the mean while trying his best to keep his
RPM’s below a grand, I told him this isn’t a diesel engine and he didn’t
even know why I was telling him that.

Ahmas Zain says:

Great video Brian

Youssef Cherqaoui says:

Why did you take the whole engine out? I mean the last time I Changed it on
my car ( A Renault so it may be different for Subarus) I did open the
transmission mount, hold it down and too the clutch out. it wasn’t easy to
remove it this way, but it didn’t take me that much time either. ( I don’t
have an engine jack) Thank u for the video

hammerofjezabel says:

It sure would be nice to know what “riding the clutch” means. I’ve been
driving a standard since 1987 and I have no idea what you are talking

Quentyn73 says:

What do you do if you dont have a crane in your garage? And how does one
actually knock the teeth out of a diaphragm? How did it happen?

Pianoman 70s style says:

As a service tech it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who tries to pull
an assembly out before getting all the bolts removed. : )

Gerald Thomas says:

Great job thanks for sharing!!

Guy Wood says:

Great video Brian. My last two cars (both bought new) were sold off at
107,000 and 119,000 miles and both still ran the original clutch good as
new. If you appreciate how a clutch works, changing gear isn’t rocket

steve trayes says:

awww man I miss the rear drive vehicles. lol 

Ben Silva says:

How to replace your clutch: disassemble car, remove old clutch, replace
with new clutch, reassemble car.

Christopher Pinterich says:

Anytime a clutch/flywheel/flexplate job is performed, always talk the
customer into doing a rear main seal. You are already there and will
prolong the next time by however many miles are on the car.

Rob Hamilton says:

Bye bye starter motor! :)

JohnL9013 says:

Nice job!

endurobear says:

Good vid & seems like a nice fella,all the best.

Cole Johnson says:

+chrizzlephaa Makes sense. One person rides the clutch so that means all
Americans do. It makes me laugh to see the logic of people not from the
states. (See what I did there? Dumb.)

rcastanaga says:

Mean… Love your videos.

Tanner Evans says:

lol i have a friend that doesnt quite understand how to use a clutch. i
cringe every time i ride with him. 

Christopher Pinterich says:

Looked like waaaaay too much grease on final assembly. Don’t want it being
thrown all over the friction surfaces from centrifugal force, right? I
often just put a thin coat on the shaft that slides in–like, barely any.
Needs a bit more encouragement to go back together, but not nearly as much
as if there was no grease used–plus, less worry about a lack of friction.
Good vid, though… loved the time-lapse.

HondaSolutions says:

Why did you not torque the pressure plate bolts?

Why did you not resurface/replace the flywheel?

Every clutch I’ve done I have done both, and torqued the flywheel bolts and
pressure plate bolts. 

Le4dfoot says:

Wow FrontWheelDrive clutches are a lot of work. Could have done a couple
RWD’s in that time. 

proaguy101 says:

Around 5:46 he says they were holding the clutch down instead of putting it
in neutral. By holding the clutch down does he mean they were riding it or
does he mean they had the clutch all the way in? Because sometimes I will
coast down hills or to stops at idle RPMs by leaving it in gear but I have
the clutch pushed in all the way in so I’m not riding it. Is that bad for
the car?

bien mendoza says:

3:36 I Already like the video :D

Robert A says:

awesome video good demo

Shane Bako says:

when im driven my 6 speed if im not driven im in neutral i don’t think im
on the clutch more than 3 seconds at a time 

moofushu says:

The music reminds me of something from the X-files! OR the techno Village
people 🙂 Nice video mate.

John Smith says:

Why people who can’t drive drive cars like this , don’t deserved it they
deserve a nissan micra .

mitch mitchell says:

thanks for the great video brian just hope when i do my clutch it takes me
14 mins too lol :)


Appreciate the video, very informative. Never burned out the clutch as my
dad has taught me properly(he driven 18 wheels for 20yrs) I have seen
others burn theirs out. I love a good mechanic, keeps my car happy.

Justin Schug says:

Love your videos. I wanna learn more about my wrx every day and you help a

Michael G says:

Lol at first, i didnt realize that the tool cart right in front of the car
was a cart, instead of a counter….I started wondering, how in the hell he
got the car in this room lol

jason9022 says:

been working on subarus at a dealer for over 8 years. never seen anyone
pull an engine in an impreza to do a clutch.much easier to yank the trans.
but apparently your overhead clearance is low. whatever works i suppose.

jamesdewer says:

Agreed, I’ve seen people leave the clutch on at red lights. That is riding
the clutch. 

nonfatkibbles says:

New at all this, but if you’re at a stop sign or light and you have the
clutch pressed all the way in waiting, is that bad or should you put into
neutral and then put into gear when you’re ready to drive away? Or in any
such case in heavy stop and go traffic?


nice brian!!

Demario Mitchell says:

Question. Just started learning how to drive a standard transmission car. I
was told you could put just hold the clutch to “coast”. After watching this
video I assume that is what it means to ride the clutch, which apparently
is bad.

In the video you said downshift then put it in neutral instead. So that’s
the correct way to coast in a standard transmission?

gary mathews says:

don’t you need to resurface the flywheel ?

Hless421 says:

Riding the clutch ~ riding the brake.

Firstd Lastb says:

Good grief, Are cars really made like this these days where you have to
remove the whole engine. I’ve changed about 5 clutches in the 70s and all
I had to do was pull out axle, pull out transmission, and then change

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