DIY Subaru Impreza 2.5RS Replica STi Fog Light Cover Installation

DIY Subaru Impreza 2.5RS Replica STi Fog Light Cover Installation

Simple/cheap way to install GC8/2.5RS replica fog light covers. I’ve been constantly asked how I got my fog covers on on RS25 and Nasioc, and if they were re…



Mariomonsta says:

@98impreza25rs are your foglights aftermarket? I recently did this on my
2001 and the covers didn’t fit over my foglights so I had to remove them.
Just curious. And thank you for the great DIY.

Devin gc8 Sti Ver 5 says:

hey man sorry to sound like a dumie but i bought the real jdm bumper it
came with the fog covers however no fog lights,, i got the ver 5 fog lights
same store at torontojdm after i took the fog light covers off intall the
lights the fog cover wont bolt up….it has the hardware ,,,,,what am l
doing wrong? as you can see thatss my car on my youtube pic with no fog
covers lol

Valdés Sir says:

@notujoo STI front lip

Ryan Voneman says:

i’m sorry my spelling sucked lol. i meant where did you get the sticker’s
from for the fog light covers

projektdotnet says:

Nice FJ40 in the background of that sweet WRX.

X379 says:

Pretty cool 🙂 Thanks for the useful tips.

buddyclubs says:

u do not want to do this to an impreza gc8!!! the car deserves real part!!!

Ryan Voneman says:

Hey where did you get the sticker’s from for the fog light cover’s ?

TheScoobNoob says:

Sort of off topic but I noticed your clear corners. I bought some jdm ones
but I’m worried that I’ll get harassed by te cops because it removes the
amber reflectors. Have you been pulled over or fined for having them?

djnick7000 says:

Double sided tape works fine too

TheScoobNoob says:

The real part is $230 on eBay soooooo…im going with the $40 replica haha.

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