DAMD Steering Wheel Install – Subaru WRX

DAMD Steering Wheel Install – Subaru WRX

Installing the DAMD O-Shaped steering wheel on my 2011 Subaru WRX.

I bought this DAMD Steering Wheel used. Its it a little bit smaller than the stock subaru steering wheel, and has a nicer grip.

Removing the steering wheel is a snap, and every thing swaps over easily. All in all, this DIY steering wheels swap only takes about an hour.

Music: Comfort Fit – “Sorry”



Live Life Outdoors says:

How did you make sure the steering wheel was straight?

tanyon derrick says:

oh man i just realized this channel is no longer active 🙁 i just found some of your vids and loved them for my ‘09 wrx :((

ayske1 says:

Great video. Clean and quick. No talking.
Because the wheel is smaller does it feel it has less leverage? I'd imagine you'd get used to it after a week or so?

Alex Lemaire says:

Nice vid. What's the torque spec for the steering wheel's center nut?

zrocule642 says:

Just going to put this out there, you really should’ve pulled the battery. You are never supposed to mess with the airbag with the battery still connected to the car or you could risk it going off. I could see a light blinking in your dash

execution says:

Such an amazing video! Thank you so much.

Zambuzan says:

Missing the e30 ;(. Why did you delete some of your vids?

Brady says:

Bang up video editing, well done

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