2012 Subaru WRX iPad Mini Install Review

2012 Subaru WRX iPad Mini Install Review

Check the progress and more information here: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2429825.



Leon Azzollini says:

That’s awesome… I can now play candy crush while driving…. LMAO!

Alba Soul says:

Hello there,
This is Mario from Italy. I have a couple of questions about your iPad mini
installation. It would really appreciate your answer. What product did you
use between body filler and primer to smoth the surface? How many coats of
body filler did you do? And the last question I have is about shipping the
products from US to Italy. I know there is resin here and body filler but I
want the same you used and Soundman use them too so I can have good
results. Do you think I can purchase and receive these products as they may
contain substances that cannot be shipped by plin.

PS: I have a suggestion for you as I did read about the problems you had
with breaking the lightning cable you melded. On settings you have an
option ( AssisticeTouch )that allows you doing the same function as the
lock button even more options so you dont need to move the ipad itself and
cause problems with the lighting cable you have glued. When you activate it
will show up a white point in the screen you can use whenever you want and
by pressing the lock button on the assistivetouch ( same way you normally
do with the button in the top of the ipad ) it will switch off your ipad.
Another think I have thought about my installation is a radio toggle that I
can use whenever I need to use my radio/ipad and by installing it means the
radio and Ipad will switch on same time without having to switch the ipad
the way we switch if normally. You know when your ipad is switched off but
the moment you put the lightning cable and it receives energy it will
switch on automatically and the same thing the toggle would do.
Sorry for my english. Have a nice day.

louididdy says:

We’ll done! Check out my Lexus iPad mini install.

Michael R Lapp says:

Damn, this looks great. I have to do this but I don’t know about all that
fiber glass work. Seems like a hell of a project to mount an iPad. Looks
sick tho..

jlei07 says:

where you able to keep your stock bluetooth and steeringwheel controls?

cj3w says:

Nice job man!

hhova29 says:

Saw your thread on the wrx forum & am inspired. Recently bought the same
jvc unit, but may I ask you, does this unit with the cable to unit charge
your ipad and does it fully function with your music, videos, etc?
PLEASE lmk. I great would appreciate your help

Christopher Thompson says:

If you decide too id pay you…definitely. Please let me know. Id send you
what youd charge. athanks

Victor Machuca says:

You need to manufacture these! I would buy one for sure.

macAbuzer says:

nice job, check out my permanent iPad 3 HD install in my 2013 mustang. Also
checl out carTunes, works well on the road with a nice dark interface for
night time driving.

Dave Gruentzel says:

Sadly, I’m not making anymore as this was a one time thing.

Christopher Thompson says:

can u make me a holder for my wrx?

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