Sega Saturn Battery Replacement

Sega Saturn Battery Replacement

I had a problem about 2 weeks ago where every time I turned on my Sega Saturn, I had to reset the time and date. Also, I was unable to use the system memory …



PiercedJedi says:

whoa, I thought I was replying to Odamir Z’s comment, not adding another
comment to the video…. but back to O.Z., it seems like he saw my comment
as being overly critical, which now looking back on it, I can understand
why. it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen anything from you, I have
to admit I unsubbed a while back when you weren’t making videos for a
while. I see you’re back at it, I’ll have to check the new stuff out some
time. Cheers! and thanks for the prompt reply!


No problem PiercedJedi! No offense taken. Sometimes the simple issues are
actually overlooked by some. I made this video when I got my very first
Saturn and I had no idea about the battery, so I figured there would be
others in the same position. And Saturn games that you can’t live without?
NiGHTS Into Dreams, Panzer Dragoon ( & Saga if you can afford it ), and
Guardian Heroes. Thanks for watching and your feedback.

PiercedJedi says:

knowing THAT it needs to be done? no, but how it’s done? the Saturn is the
EASIEST console to replace the battery in at the time of this post, I had
just got my first Saturn, so I was searching for videos that might show me
some cool games I couldn’t live without, I apologize that you didn’t like
my post, and maybe that’s why he didn’t respond to it, but I tried to be as
honest and respectful as possible as I could, seems the honesty part came
out more than the respectful part Have a good day!

Odamir Z says:

You really think people are born knowing that Sega Saturns need their
batteries replaced? Hell, even for gamers, the odds of them having
previously changed a system battery…? You tell me.

mat7540 says:

@DlNKYDANA yeah i have one of those, its pretty weird though, it has a
shining force sticker on it, but the sticker is ripped in half and there is
clearly a different sticker underneath it. i just got the batteries cause
i’m looking into buying some saturn system lots.

decayedmatter says:

This isnt some amazing fix it’s a common thing that everyone should know.


@FOCUSGENTERICHI It takes at least 3 years probably. Depends on how often
you use it though.


Yeah, you can use a card to play imports and use it for memory. My friend
is sending me one over from Japan in a while, hopefully along with some
games, so I am looking forward to that. But until now, I have to rely on
the system memory.

gamemaster14neo says:

The CR2032 battery is also the same kind that Dreamcast VMUs use. Except
they use two of them and they are only needed if you want to play vmu
games, not for saving games. When I got my saturn ages ago the backup
battery was one of the first things I learned about, they can be bought in
2 packs for like $5 or so at best buy since they are the same batteries
that are used on motherboards for cmos.

ianwilson1978 says:

Nice vid dinky. If I ever get a Saturn Ill remember this tip! 🙂


@1ooTv No problem man.

GeneralFrankenberry says:

When I start my Saturn it also asks me for Date and Time. However, the
games do not load, instead the Saturn only plays the audio tracks from the
game. Almost like the Saturn thinks the game is a CD. Do you think this has
anything to do with the problem you and your friend had?

intlDrx7 says:

@legatodark yes, for my saturn I bought the Action replay plus cartidge way
back in the day. aside from playing imports it had like a built in game


That is weird. If you have a cartridge in the top of your Sega Saturn, it’s
probably storing onto that. They sold a few different memory units that
plugged into the system.


As far as I know, it has to be the CR2032. The DR might just mean that it’s
duracell brand, but I’m not sure. I believe mine was Energizer.

legatodark says:

cant u use a replay card or something called like that plus With that i
think u can play imports too? not to sure since i dont have a Sega Saturn
Yet!! ^_^ and nice tip

Gamester81 says:

Very interesting man. I’ve had this same issue happen to my Saturn. Thanks
for the tip.

n8great321 says:

If only replacing batteries on NES and SNES carts was this easy.

mat7540 says:

im actual waiting on a lot of 15 cr’s of ebay. it was a buy it now for 10
bucks. anyway, i was just screwing around with my saturn and i took out the
dead battery and proceeded to play nights. i clicked on the nights name,
and then played a level and shut off the console. turned it back on and it
seemed to have working memory without the battery. what do you guys think
about this?


Thanks for the great video, I’m about to buy a saturn and I didn’t know you
have to replace the battery every now and then xD… do you know how long
the battery takes to run out?? thanks in advance

TypicalJoe1900 says:

Is there a particular way to take it out? Because I think I broke my
previous Saturn while changing the battery, because once I put a new
battery in, it wouldn’t start up. I just got a black screen.


I know, seriously!

funexplorer1 says:

cool i saw ur comment on alex’s new review

Thomas Derp says:

Sometimes it still holds a charge for about 7 seconds without a battery.

Alexdemoted says:

Haha. You’re awesome man! I didn’t know this. I’ll have to try it out later
on today. Thanks!!!!


Yeah, mine was doing the same thing. It’s annoying clicking through the
date every time.

1ooTv says:

Dude thank u so much. U jus saved me money because I was about to buy a
memory card. no need now with this info. truly thank u

PiercedJedi says:

No offense DINKYDANA, but watching this video kind-of felt like I was
watching a video on how to eat a sandwich 🙂 not that it was overly simple,
or condescending or anything, but it’s hard to imagine that anyone would
actually NEED this help… . Just getting started watching all your videos,
and enjoying them, so keep it up 😀


Yeah, that’s why I put it up so everyone will know.

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