Saturn Vue A/C Blower Resistor location and removal

Saturn Vue A/C Blower Resistor location and removal

2002 Saturn Vue A/C Blower Resistor location and removal Fan or Blower Speed Switch problem? If you have a fan or blower speed problem, this is probably the …



Sokinglike says:

hello im having issues with the actual ac,vent and rear defroster buttons
not working at all. the temperature and fan knobs work but not the fan
direction knob. can u help me with that?


Same thing described in the post below happened to me. I read online that
there are some wires on the driver side (near left foot) that could be
causing problems. Any idea how to remove the kick panel?

eastpena1 says:

Hey bud, I have a 2003 Vue. About a month ago it started to suddenly stop
blowing for about a second or so, and then come back on . And now it has
stopped working completely. Could it be my switch or that

unkulmark says:

If replacing the blower resistor does not fix the ‘No Blower Fan’ symptom
then check for a burned connection at multi-connector C200 which is located
behind the left driver’s side ‘kick-panel’ (removable by prying with a
putty knife). The thick Orange wire that supplies 12 volts to the blower
motor is routed through C200 & overheats over time creating an intermittent
or ‘open’ connection. This turned out to be the problem with my 2003 4CYL
VUE. You can search the Saturnalia website for more info

surfandski1960 says:

estpena1, did you ever find out what was the problem. The same happened to
me, the fan would go out for a couple of seconds and then comeback, but now
the fan does not work at all in any speed. From what I understand, at high
speed the blower resistor is bypassed so as long as it is properly grounded
it can’t be the blower resistor. So I am thinking it is the fan itself. Any
idea how to get to it. Thanks

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