Rear Speaker Removal

Rear Speaker Removal

Rear Speaker Removal Saturn SL.



TravisFlepper says:

with enough mods anything is possible 😉

austinsonoma says:

dude why are your tearing the whole thing apart?

HannibalH says:

But I do enjoy your videos.

richpin06a says:

@carboy48 I do have a video on removing the front door panel were the
speakers are under.

uncoverbrother says:

good to know! thanx

ciscokid911 says:

Thank U Bro Great Vid

richpin06a says:

I wish i had one handy i would make one.

richpin06a says:

For aftermarket speakers you might have to modifie the wires on your car to
fit the new speakers.

Old Shoe Studios says:

Thanks, needed the info.

Sean William says:

When you are installing the new speakers, do you have to solder anything,
or can you just buy a wire harness and then use that?

dandidit says:

Thanks Much! – I just swapped in a new deck and 4 new speakers in record
time thanks to watching these videos first. You saved me hours of figuring
it out the hard way.

klip11694 says:

pretty clean car not bad!!!!

mjoekingz28 says:

ive been watching your videos all night and still a ways to go. I noticed
that GM loves ’em some push pins.

narcoticrex says:

yeh, I would much rather drive an SUV and get 12 miles to the gallon
instead of 40 lol

Devin Gregor says:

can you put 6x9s in there?

bocephus009 says:

It makes me furious to watch how quick and simple it is for you to do all
these things, it took me 2-1/2 hours to carefully do what u did in 10min..
I still broke a clip on the bolster.. Ur th man!

Rubin Petkoski says:

Just cut off the carpet around the speaker and replace the speakers, its a
saturn after all…

Ian Quintana says:

Wait, you guys wouldn’t believe what I did to the rear speakers on my 1997
Saturn SL2. They look beautiful.

supaphreak2045 says:

@mitchwayne07 I have a 94 SC2 and none of this was really neccesary. All i
did was fold down the rear seats and there’s a few plastic pins holding the
carpeted cover over the rear deck. From there it was unbolt and remove.
However I’m not sure if this will be the same in newer models.

mwayne5 says:

thanks for all the saturn s series videos, they’ve helped me out a bit,
especially the mechanical parts. If you know, how similar is this procedure
on a SC1 coupe?

KillianDemasses says:

Thanks a lot guy. I used your videos to remove inside and outside door
panels to replace speakers and fix windows and now I’m using this one to
replace rear speakers. Good videos.

saturnman1490 says:

Richpin.. your a satty genius… but you always seem to never cut corners
that save mega time!

HannibalH says:

Hey richpin, I don’t mean to insult you in anyway if this does even though
its not a big deal, but removing the rear seat cushion and sides I found
are not necessary. Just going right to the upper carpet and since the sides
are plastic they flex which will give you enough room to remove the top.
Thats all.

uncoverbrother says:

@wcbrookinz101 i have a 1999 and all the info i’m getting on research is
that they’re 6.5″

T C says:

Thank you for all your informative videos. This and other vids were
invaluable to me when I had to make some repairs on a tight budget. Now my
baby is back and looking and sounding better than ever!

Tom Hudson says:

Great video, THANKS for posting. Gotta swap out a blown speaker in my 99
SL2 and would have had a lot of trouble figuring this out.

2ru11sh2 says:

just use but connectors

richpin06a says:

Yes they are too small to fit the Saturn without a bracket.

timexruncher says:

two thumbs up this is a great vid!

FutureCars says:

Hey Someone Response Please Reak Speakers Cloth Which Holds Speaker Is Torn
What Can I Do How To Fix It ?

benfirst says:

Wow, I didn’t think it was that easy.. Thanks for posting!

Rickisan says:

I just put new front speakers in a Saturn SL. This car did not come with
rear spkrs but the holes and brackets are there. All the spkrs are 6 1/2″
size. I’m hoping to find the wiring for the spkrs today. Put the stereo and
new front spkrs in yesterday.

showmeyerwits says:

These videos are such a great help. Thank you for posting them and thank
you for the personal replies to my emails. My son just bought his first car
and you’ve been a huge resource for us.

Aviator92 says:

When I tried to remove the connector the wires ripped out of the inside of
the speaker and now the speaker is destroyed

70fg says:

Thank you Richpin Thank you. It is very difficult to find a video step by
step showing how to remove car speakers. You just saved me a lot of money.
Great video.

GloriousCow says:

Thanks for the video. I was able to remove the rear deck panel by just
prying away the top of the bolsters. Didn’t have to remove the trim piece
or the seat cushion.

Parker Anderson says:

Could you put 5 1/4 in there? That’s what my mom got me for Christmas, I
feel they’re a little small for the speaker holes

benfirst says:

I like how these all start with, “This is a video by Richpin!” Ha! Way to
mark your territory. Thanks for the great vidz.

princebuster82 says:

All your videos are spot on. Great service you’re performing to Saturn
DIY’ers. Just curious, I’m getting ready to do my front and rear speakers
and I’m wondering what size the factory sets are?

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