Quarter Panel Removal

Quarter Panel Removal

Saturn 96-99 Quarter Panel Removal.



Craig Noble says:

Super helpful! Just had to replace the door panel and rear quarter panel on
my 99 Saturn and your videos made it so much easier. Thanks a ton!

fucheduck says:

who in hell “disliked” this, I am getting a lot of info on removing my rear
quarter panel, looks pretty clear cut to me.

AGStylZ says:

I’m guessing you mean the SL2s, as SL1s have just the tail light. Those
don’t make a difference, it’s the same process. The middle piece is
attached to the trunk independently.

vangrollerboi says:

I was think the same thing. Wished quarter panels were bolt on’s.

StrapOnTech says:

it took u forever to get that off, you have a lot to learn.

efemall says:

i know how long the job is going to take me by looking at richpins time and
multiplying by 10.

Joey Pressnell says:

Now with the 98 Saturn it has taillights that wrap around the side of the
car. But everything else looks to be pretty much the same. Would you know
about that “richpin”?

Distroi says:

Another reason I love my Saturn, things like this are so easy.

richpin06a says:

@joey513pressnell This is a 98

str8sushi says:

wow a bolt on quarter panel! only Saturn could pull smth like that off

richpin06a says:

dats a good one……lol

rocky5554 says:

Very interesting video never seen this done before and i did,nt know there
were cars out there that you can remove the rear quarter panel i wish they
would make all cars like this

ManiX Catino says:

thank you, ended up using wd40 and a credit card, and a lot of patience.
BTW you made this look easy, took me about 30 minutes of barely turning
each ratchet, to get those 2 little screws between quarter panel and
bumper. Course,l was the driver side, and a newer SL2 if that made a
difference. Just glad I succeeded and my car is back to normal.

richpin06a says:

@LesTrafik After removing the quarter panel you will be be able to see the
drain quite easily.

Aladyatallcost says:

Thank you very much for this video, very helpful, I’m a girl, and I
appreciate it! I try to do everything to keep my 98 saturn rolling, here it
is 2011, but this video is useful and helpful, thanks again!

dyke4bush says:

Is this the same procedure I would use for a 2001 Chevy Cavalier?

Joey Pressnell says:

@richpin06a Correct.. So as far as removing the panel… The bolts are
pretty much in the same location as far as you know? There aren’t any weld
spots or anything?

richpin06a says:

@dyke4bush No because the cavalier does not use bolt on qt panels.

Marcelo Segovia says:

@MrGrog88 hehe thats why when you buy a car for keeps, you either learn
more about it in case you or they crash in to you… you will know how to
fix it, repair it and save tons of money.. but if your lazy like so many
people are… just take it to the sho and walla … they charge beyond what
initially cost less to the repair shop (^~^<) like me for instance... i charge lots a mulla while i go and buy parts for cheap 🙂

saturnfan says:

richpin, i have a 1997 saturn sc2. water has caused rust holes where the
quarter panel glass ends at the trunk. i want to take off the quarter
panels to aid in sealing the holes. how much different are the quarter
panels on the coupes as opposed to the sedans? i hope you know.

theberengersniper says:

I wish manufacturers made cars with bolt on quarter panels in the UK. I
can’t think of a single car where it’s not an integral part of the
bodyshell over here.

richpin06a says:

Try WD-40 as it is easy on the paint.

Cambokadaw1 says:

wish a civic quarter panel was just easy as that

AGStylZ says:

WOW I didn’t even know you could remove rear quarter panels!

ManiX Catino says:

Just started the driverside quarter panel on my 02 SL2 wish I watched this
first, got annoyed when I couldn’t get the quarter off, now I know about
the two screws under the fender near the lights. Ended up just putting the
car back together, until I looked it up on Youtube. Now, one quick
question, I had to but salvage parts due to an accident, door and quarter
panel, but the door that I ended up with, has the pin stripes on it, my car
doesn’t, what would be a good way to get the stripes off?

T C says:

Wow- a YouTube video that is actually helpful! After a 91 yo lady tried to
see my 97 SL2 a lil too close, insurance was going to total my Saturn. I
had a trustworthy mechanic repair the rear suspension, and I was able to
find a matching left quarter and rear bumper at a bone yard; which I
replaced myself. A tool I found helpful for hard to reach spots is the
GearWrench Microdriver. I got mine at Sears for $20; it is Item#
00930035000 on their website.

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