Door Lock Cylinder and Panel Removal Updated

Door Lock Cylinder and Panel Removal Updated

Saturn S-series Door Lock Cylinder and Door Panel Removal.



camarodave100 says:

Great video…. Got mine all apart but the clip to the lock is brokern….
I see yours is BLUE… Mine is white and broken, thats why the key will not
unlock the door… How do I replace the plastic clip attached to the back
of the lock cylinder ??

saturnfan says:

richpin, it seems you have a lot of experience with the saturns. what is
your overall rating of how good these cars are/were? I’ve always found them
to be, for what they were designed to be, relatively very dependable cars.
But your experience may show otherwise.

Scott Williams says:

@Reader12345678910 I have the same problem with my gf’s 98 Saturn. It sits
for a few days and runs the battery down.

argonian bilbo says:

is this similar to a 1995 toyota corolla

RandallFlaggNY says:

When oh when shall someone teach Rich to pronounce his “r’s” correctly….?

richpin06a says:

Sounds like your door lock switch could be the problem.

richpin06a says:

@wildwind03 Mirror removal will be different .

ManicMechanic007 says:

Another excellent video. A true professional in action. Thanks richpin.

bearing01 says:

Good video. Easy to replace a door skin. Seems like a lot of work to remove
a cylinder. Much easier to do on a VW. Thanks for the video. /John

Rob Curtis says:

Where can you find replacement cylinders?

ThePaulgregg says:

u rock richpin!!!

wolfie965 says:

nm, not a broken key, but lil pieces of debris, i pulled the cap and door
of and used a lockpick to fish it all out, blasted it with some cleaner and
put in some dry wax lube to keep it happy :D.

agretchen4u says:

Hi there, was wondering if you had any videos on repairing or replacing the
trunk release cable on the inside of the Saturn? Mine is a 99 sl2 with the
pull up lever next to the drivers seat. Thanks for all the great vids!!!

adventureoflink says:

@RandallFlaggNY Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. It’s a Boston accent, dude.
He’s from Boston. I know, I once had a girlfriend from there. It was so
funny to make fun of that accent ๐Ÿ˜€ btw, another good and informative video
as always Richpin ๐Ÿ™‚

carlos rosales says:

aa what happens when the Little pine deforms how i git it out

simpleszabo says:

thx, i got a saturn sl2 and this video will help me get inside the skin
panel. i do car audio as a hobby and the exterior door panel sounds so
cheap, so i want to sound deaden it. also your other video showed me how
easy it is to remove the interior headliner. which i will also sound
deaden. there’s alot of usefull videos here.

richpin06a says:

If i run across a broken or stuck one i will.

richpin06a says:

@agretchen4u I have not done a video on replacing that cable they must be
pretty bulletproof.

saturnfan says:

richpin, this helped out so much! keep up the great work. finally, some
youtube videos that actually HELP people.

sm870621345 says:

I can only imagine how many times your wife has walked in expecting to use
the car only to find you have it all taken apart while shooting a video
haha Great tutorial

J Bone says:

Would I need to go a dealer to get it and get a key to fit it?

Gary Knowlton says:

could you post a video on how to repair or fix broken/ stuck latches on
rear door panel on 99 saturn s series. seems like a common thing on them
and cant figure out how to do it.

J Bone says:

On my Saturn Sc1 since it is a two door I bought it from a private party
but the two doors don’t lock or the passenger door does not open from the
inside. The Drivers door doesn’t have the lock cylinder from outside which
is visible. But how can I find a way to lock both doors and make the
passenger door open? I would really appreciate the help.

robert leon says:

another great video!!

Sean Murphy says:

can you fix the door motor with the panel off too?? Or does the inside
panel need to come off

piratesbelay says:

Thx, from Frank w the $300 Saturn, just changed out my cylinders, step by
step, went like gravy..

msolbakken says:

is there any difference with lock cylinders for keyless entry 1996 SC2
models with electronic door locks?

richpin06a says:

You have no lock cylinder on the drivers door.

richpin06a says:

Well that is the first thing that needs to be fixed.

richpin06a says:

@MartiniStubs Even i am having trouble fining it if you need one i can make
one right up for you.

richpin06a says:

Very well designed car and easy to work on.One other thing i noticed is it๏ปฟ
holds up to the salt up here in the northeast like no other car i have seen.

MartiniStubs says:

Great video but I am having trouble finding your video for the side mirror.
I see one for the Nissan, is it the same process? Do you have a link? Thanks

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