Bottom Dogbone Motor Mount Replacement

Bottom Dogbone Motor Mount Replacement

Saturn S-series Bottom Dogbone Motor Mount Replacement.



richpin06a says:

Check your inbox i will send you the info on how to check them.

GloriousCow says:

How do you know when a mount needs replacement?

Andrew Arrowwood says:

For now yeah but one day I will do the transmission mount to .

richpin06a says:

Are you just replacing the dogbone on the drivers side.

Andrew Arrowwood says:

Should I just slide Jack underneath oil pan with a thin board to get pressure off motor or should I Jack up like before with stands and all

Andrew Arrowwood says:

Yeah it’s a 2000 sl2 and thankyou , I did the two on the passenger side very easily Thanks to your video, going to do driver now.

richpin06a says:

On the s-series you get to it from the top under the battery.

Andrew Arrowwood says:

How do you get the driver side dog bone ? I think I go from the top under battery or go thru wheel well ?

67dennist says:

Hi, I have a 2002 Saturn sl2 5 speed with 186,000 miles when I drive over 60 mph sometimes the car will jerk almost like a misfire its very quick but very noticable all my plugs, wires, and crankshaft pos sensor was changed, also checked for vacuum leaks and found none. ever heard of this problem? please help

FecesWorld says:

They can call it Saturn as long as they want. It ain’t gonna fly nowhere.

junechris says:

Yeah, that’s what I was remembering. I ordered the polys from Prothane and it appears to have accommodations for both. It’s unfortunate they do not make polys for the infamous top mount that seems to always go bad first…lol Thank you sir 🙂

richpin06a says:

Yes there are two one is under the battery.

junechris says:

Are there two dogbone mounts? I ordered pollys for them and I believe the kit comes with 2 large and small inserts, just wanted to make sure I’m getting the complete package. Thanks for the great informative vids by the way.

Brandon Lloyd says:

i’m not sure what happened. i got off the freeway,turned right. I got to work n my splash guard was in my belt. i my motor mounts are broke.
it wont go over 20

richpin06a says:

When you shift the car from park to drive and you hear and feel a clunk that would possibly be a bad mount.

Donte Anderson says:

when i go from a stop and go i hear a thump when i hit 10 miles is dat a bad mount

myRegression says:

My brother had a car thats wsa gradually going slower, the exhaust was clogged up, it was the cat converter, also, a friend had a problem, someone stuffed a rag up the tailpipe. good luck.

richpin06a says:

I doubt a bad dogbone mount would cause your car from going over 20 miles an hour.

Brandon Lloyd says:

is there a way you can tell me if this is why it wont go over 20 miles an hour
cause there isnt anything wrong with my trannsmission

richpin06a says:

The dog bone mount will set you back about $32.Like most mounts when they go bad there is a certain amount of vibration you can feel.

Joel Rios says:

Hey Richpin06a, it was good idea to make this, today I replaced top motor mount and cleaned throttle body including iac , then it works well, but maybe I also I should replace this one,, how much is this bottom dogbone mount and what problems it causes if this damaged? also vibration to the mottor??
please let me know to plan this for next week

saturnman1490 says:

Your saturn is never gunna die! You have fixed everything on this beast!

richpin06a says:

On the S-series there are two the one in this video and the one under the battery.

Eninety2 says:

How many and where are all the dog mounts located?

richpin06a says:

As long as i am not insane…

stw9495 says:

Your videos are insanely useful.

richpin06a says:

Somewhere in my vast videos i have one for a lower transmission mount for a standard and the upper dogbone.

Championsoffreedom says:

Every video you have done is amazing! I need to replace my transmission mount on my saturn SL2. I have already replaced the top motor mount and lower dog bone using your videos with GREAT success. Can you make a transmission one please?

Casey Van says:

Nice thanks. 

Francisco Paco says:

i have a 96 saturn vibrates on driver side, checked the dogbone engine mount under air filter box and is loose. thank you for helping, now i know where fhe problem is

richpin06a says:

If the engine is moving a lot front to back that could be a dogbone problem because that is what those mounts control.

dedonohue1 says:

Sorry, should have said noise from passengers side.

dedonohue1 says:

Rich, I have a 2002 sl2 with quite a lot of vibration. Recently I went to get into the car in park and it rocked forward and back a bit with a noticable knock with movement. So I got out of car, opened hood and rocked car forward and back and the whole engine was moving back and forth with this knocking sound. Is this a motor mount problem and if so which one would be the likely culprit? Sound seems to be coming from drivers side. Dogbone bolts intact, pen test fails but 2002. Thanks from Diane.

Glen Webber says:

Fantastic, clear and to the point video. I really appreciate the time and effort it took to make this video for the benefit of others, big thanks!

Mike Violette says:

@richpin06a @vuglialoro I have a Gen 3, & have removed this panel a number of times. In addition to the pushpin there’s a peg on the panel that pushes into the frame to help secure it. Just gently pry the panel out towards the passenger side, and it should pop out. If you’re careful, you won’t break anything. It just takes a little trying, as the splash panel that goes around the wheel well sort of blocks it. It can be a bit tricky to get back in, but just being patient will get the job done.

Filmaker25 says:

I’m alway worried I’ll bend the oil pan.

Filmaker25 says:

Ah, a saturn the same one ! great, until I sold it cause I got a good chunk of cash for it!

richpin06a says:

Check your inbox i will send you a link that will help.

Andrew H. says:

their is a plastic rivet molded into the lower inner splash sheild its on the inside you cant see it ,but you can feel it holding their .grab it with your fingers evenly .it will come out

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