Assist Strap Handle Remove & Replace

Assist Strap Handle Remove & Replace

Saturn s-series assist Handle strap replacement.



Gabe Nitz says:

Where can you buy a tool like the one in this video


YOU ARE THE MAN! Mine are loose and rattle sssoooooooooooo much, now I can
finally get rid of that noise. YOU DESERVE YOUR OWN TV SHOW!

clams111 says:

Thanks very much, you saved me hours of aggrevation> Many Blessings to you.

Ben Holladay says:

Very very helpful… THANKS!

richpin06a says:

Thank you.

richpin06a says:

Any auto parts stores can get you a panel remover.

richpin06a says:

@CCAAASSSCCAAAA Yes….everyone loves richpin……because they say i sound
like Ray Romano….lol

efemall says:

someone must of been doing acrobatics in the back seat of my preowned cos
they ripped out the screw from the metal hole.

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