1995 saturn sl fuel pump relay

1995 saturn sl fuel pump relay

Troubleshooting and fixing a fuel pump relay. I thought my fuel pump went out but after troubleshooting I found that it was only a bad fuel pump relay. It is…




Did your radio go out to I know they that’s connected to the fuel pump
relay plz let me no if it did or not thx!!!!great video by the way.

WW2collector says:

thanks man, My saturn SL 99 is doing the same. I am glad I found your
video. I will certainly check this first before trying to attempt a pump

Z28rexx says:

It’s not just the relay it’s the fuse block and a F-5 problem the prongs
burn out and car won’t start-also loss of radio presets and clock-are a
sigh.on my 1999 sl2 replaced new fuse block and starting to have problems
again ,saturn wirers and relays run hot.so saturn owners with starting
problems please look on google –saturn F-5 starting problems -there was an
in house report at saturn about this.

Brian Holland says:

when you had this issue, do you remember if your car tried to turn over or
crank? Or did it just not do anything?

john wright says:

I have same issue with my 96 Saturn wagon checked and replaced fuses still
wont fire so thinking fuel pump bad just my luck.

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