Saab Cabin Air Filter Replacement (9-5 Arc 3.0L Turbo, Mann Filters) FCP Euro

Saab Cabin Air Filter Replacement (9-5 Arc 3.0L Turbo, Mann Filters) FCP Euro ▻ Alex Frank is here today to walk you through the steps to replace your cabin air filter on a 2002 Saab 9-5 Arc 3.0L Turb…



FCP Euro says:

No video for that one yet, but keep an eye out.

Joe Labster says:

Thanks for the video. Have you made a video on how to pull out the headlights and replace the foggy lenses? I have the HID Xenon headlights.

florin81nov says:

For FCP Euro: Can you make a video about how to change the AC Compressor for a 1999 Saab 9-5 Wagon, 2.3T please? I appreciate all your videos. Thanks.

perfuzz says:

Dude, you’re mounting of the filter is funky. You should place the foam piece first, then the filter. The two “donut holes” goes on the AC-tubes in the upper part of the filter housing. NO tape is necessary!! If you do it like this the filter fitting is much smoother than it seems to be in this video. Further the fitting is air tight around the AC tubes.

crazysteezy says:

Can you make video on how to pull the light out? 😀

FCP Euro says:

Honestly, there’s a lot of products that try to clean the lenses. My best recommendation is just to buy new lenses and snap them onto the headlight housing. Take a few minutes to pull the light out, and just change the whole thing. It’s only a few bucks more expensive and looks like new, always.

crazysteezy says:

Hey Alex, this video was great and I’m glad i found a trusty 9-5 tech on youtube. If you can, can you post a video on how to get the foggy-ness out of the headlights? i tried all the buffing tools for headlights and none work and i feel like the inside is fogged up. but i dont know how to get in.. thanks man!

Alvarez Metal Works says:

Wow what a pain in the ass lol. Looks like I’ll be having some fun here real soon.

FCP Euro says:

You could certainly be right, however the diagrams from Mann show the slits facing down and it’s so tight back in the housing I think you’d have a hard time fitting anything around the pipes. Please let us know if you try it and find anything different, though.

James Regan says:

I’m pretty sure the slits on the foam are supposed to face up. They can’t wrap around the heater pipes if they’re down.

FCP Euro says:

There are pipes to the heater core that run above the foam, the holes create a void where the pipes can sit above, I suppose you could also cut the foam and let them sit inside the holes, but it felt like that would be a pretty tricky maneuver, as you can’t really reach back there with your hand. Hope that answers your question.

Ted Berger says:

what are the donut holes on the top foam for? just wondering. Thanks for the excellent video.

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