Saab 9-3 start without key

Saab 9-3 start without key

Some sort of “glitch” in the Saab 9-3 2002-2011 makes it possible to start the car without the key. And thanks to it’s chunky key fob you can fit your thumb …



Rich B says:

This isn’t a “Glitch”. Your just circumventing the lock bars that keep the
key in the ignition. Just needs to verify the rfid chip.

Steven Tang says:

what’s that message at 1:15?

Filip Persson says:

It’s explained in the video, I didn’t do anything else. That’s just how the
9-3 works 🙂

Terry Aboubabies says:

Wat pls tell what you did

liamthedave says:

I can start my 86 900S with a butter knife


Its not a safety glitch. Saab checks for the key 2 times before it actually
starts. Now if he would have removed the key from where it is after the
steering wheel unlocked and he turned it to the on position the car wouldnt
have started. My 2007 did this. The key had to be present on top of
ignition when thumb starting from insertion to starting. Thought this was

zinc4life says:

what do you mean?

letoon says:

how it s possible to do that? thanks

Filip Persson says:

It’s simple, nothing requires the key to physically be in the ignition, as
long as the ignition recognizes the transmitter in the key, the ignition
can be turned on. Some sort of safety glitch i guess 🙂

devin pellien says:

What’s even more crazy is that your SAAB doesn’t have a check engine light
on! LoL

Filip Persson says:

Såhär startar man en Saab 9-3 2002-2011 UTAN nyckel, oavsiktligt Keyless Go
kan man väl säga 😉 Väldigt kul, dumt, och kanske användbart.

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