2004 SAAB Electric Motor Replace Remove Repair (2002 2003 2005 2006 2007) Window glass switch

2004 SAAB Electric Motor Replace Remove Repair (2002 2003 2005 2006 2007) Window glass switch

Here is how i removed my 2004 SAAB window’s electric motor.



DIY Tinker says:

no.. sorry, but that is a good idea…

jeffel80 says:

I heard theres a way to replace it with a bicycle break cable, was wondering if youve heard of that

DIY Tinker says:

good question… i am not sure…
i think its one whole unit? record how u fixed it and upload it.

jeffel80 says:

what about if the cable snaps?

DIY Tinker says:

thats just wonderful! :)

Hubert N says:

Man you just saved me a trip of 120 miles to the Atlanta Saab dealership, a lot of money and time. It worked great. I noticed your motor’s ele. connection had 6 connectors, this one had 2 and no circuit card. So before anyone orders one they should check the connection. It took me a little over an hour and to fix it, thanks again!
used WD40
Dalton, Ga.

DIY Tinker says:

good luck. i didn’t spray WD40. just some normal grease

Hubert N says:

Thanks, I have a 2004 Saab Linear and the drivers side window motor just stoped working this week, so I am going to try this. Great job with the video, do I just spray some WD40 into it ?
Thanks again!

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