Porsche Tequipment Puddle Light Install (Projector LED)

Porsche Tequipment Puddle Light Install (Projector LED)

I show you how to install the Porsche tequipment door puddle LED lights. Super easy, and available for all Porsche models. Hope you found this useful!

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XFarshiedX says:

Porsche all day every day!
Love the dis! Hahaha

cdarwinj says:

I decide to add these to my Macan build at $330 for all four. I thought it might be less expensive to purchase aftermarket and do it myself, but that would require a per/door price of $75 or less and nothing other than a coffee mug from Porsche costs that much πŸ™‚ Actually, Suncoast has them for $160/pair = $320 + tax and shipping.

Nicholas A says:

Am I the only that caught pulling out doesn't always work comment?

Family Shah says:

I was able to install these on my own thanks to your video! Have you also tried changing the plain door sills with illuminated ones? I would love to go for those next. If you have, can you upload the video for that too. Thanks!

Matteo Va says:

Where to buy?

xL3onLPx _ says:

Where can i buy this?

Daniele Lezzi says:

Hi, do you know if it's possible to add something to a door with no lights (just reflectants)? I got a new coupe with no ambient light, so no lights on the doors πŸ™

john sansom says:

I have fitted the same lights to my Cayenne s 958 the rear lights are a cow to fit really tight but head and shoulders above the quality of aftermarket lights
As for the issue of bmw etc remember cars are made to a budget not a standard
Take my suv for example the engine was taken from a Q7 Audi a good car but not good on fuel and not that fast 25mpg if your lucky and it’s diesel,
But Porsche did a lot of work on it and the result was a twin turbo that will do 0-62 in 5.4 seconds and return 41 mpg at 70mph all day long.
But at Β£85,000 plus you get a suv that is a SPORTS utility vehicle not a school bus. As a aircraft technician and a car trimmer/ upholster by trade I can see the difference in build quality. all good cars but different levels of good.

Scott Englert says:

I Like your all weather mats. Are those just OEM options? Thanks!

Dairen Naidoo says:

Talks about Merc and BMW having cheap doors..yet Porsche is owned by VW..which is not exactly an expensive brand. But ok

Abdulmalik Alajlan says:

Thanks for the video. May I ask where did you buy them from?

hypercriticalone says:

I saw these lights on some of the Audi's at the auto show

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