Porsche 944 S2 How to replace water pump, timing belts and shaft seals

Porsche 944 S2 How to replace water pump, timing belts and shaft seals

нажмите CC и выберите русские субтитры for English titles press CC The video gives a tutorial how to replace the water pump, all belts and the shaft seals on…



irina25661 says:

I need a full day for repalcing the belts only. For replacing the water pump, I would add another day. And a third day, if you want to replace alse the shaft seals.

Have a look on wonder-howto, there you’ll find a step by step instruction to the video. Be aware that there are some differences between my late and your early model!

Curtis Homan says:

Great video,I have one question though, and I apologize if you said it in the video and I just missed it, but about how long does this take (in terms of hours working on it)?
I am replacing the water pump on my 1985 Porsche 944 (early model) and would like to know how much time should i set aside to do this on the weekend. Should I expect it to be a one day or two day thing? Or more?
I plan to use your video as a guide.

unclewilly2 says:

Super dann immer weiter so !

irina25661 says:

Hallo, danke für den netten Kommentar und das Abo. Du siehst es nahezu richtig, den Dr habe ich nicht nur erfunden, ich habe tatsächlich promoviert, allerdings nicht in einer Ingenieurwissenschaften, aber nicht weit davon entfernt. Der Name Dr944S2 enstand bei meinem Steuerkettenriss, unser erstes Video. Als der Porsche nach 3 Monaten wieder lief, sagte ich zur Cutterin (ebenfalls promoviert): Das war eigentlich schwieriger als eine Promotion.

unclewilly2 says:

Mal ne Frage nebenbei, sehe ich es, aufgrund der durchaus hervorragenden Englisch-Kenntnisse und den dazu passenden Technik-Kenntnissen richtig das du ein Studierter Ingenieur bist, oder hast du nur Bock auf Autos und Englisch ?

Die meisten deutschen in deiner Alterklasse (keinstenfalls abwertend gemeint) hadern ziemlich stark in Sachen Fremdsprache

Gruß ausm Norden ! 🙂

irina25661 says:

The video has a German soundtrack, but all is translated to English subtitles. If you don’t see them by default, watch the video dierectly in YouToube and press the cc-button below the video frame. At wondertowto you’ll find an English step by step instruction for the video.

Willow Fiasco says:

The title mislead me to believe it was in English

Medlon100 says:

haha dont worry its water 😀 1:52

TheHandigandi says:

sehr viel Mühe gegeben… Respekt 😉

Jacob Estes says:

1:44 “Look at this shameful shit right here.”

paul hunter says:

this is one of few 944 videos without belt whine so he must have done it right

Stefanius40 says:

Vielen Dank für das einstellen dieses Videos.Nach langer Suche nach einer einfachen Einstellmöglichkeit ohne besonderer Werkzeuge und (Riemen) Spanngeräte.
War sehr hilfreich

Lillie1986 says:

Im not the biggest fan of using gasketing on a gasket. The gasket is designed to seal like it is, its not ment to use additives to “help it seal”.

Bert Bos says:

Hallo Irina??
Super video,s gute Erklarung und leicht zu folgen,genieben es jedes mal von sehr Iehrreich. [SUPER]
Grub Bert von Niederlande Porsche 944 b.j 1982+Peugeot 206 CC 2002.

risaac928 says:

Awesome video…..Please consider doing one for the 928. I have both the 944 & 928 and love to see one on the 928.

Finntro11 says:

Thank you for this video. I have a 88 944 n/a that I am in the middle of doing the front seals, this video is an amazing reference. I hope there will be more in the future 🙂

irina25661 says:

Hi, thanks for your comments! The video has English subtitles. You can switch them on/off by the cc-button under the video. If you cannot see the subtitles check the setup of your browser and player. I noticed that some players have problems in this respect.. In the help forum for YouTube you’ll find additional information.

A description you’ll find: in wonderhowto. It’s not allowed here to post a link. ´Just go in the cars-subsection and look by newest or search for it.

Tom A says:

Thank you for your presentation. In the most respectful way I would like to ask you if you can post English version of this video.I and many others who are fascinated by your presentation lack the benefit of knowing your native language, and still feel very connected to your tutorials. the cylinder head repair video is also great

bumper13 says:

Brilliant video gives me confidence to do it myself – did I hear some German humour in there as well!! very good

malgruppe says:

Tolle Arbeit, Respekt!

tedw944 says:

Great video. Please make more for your excellent work on 944.

hintereckerpauli says:

Danke fürs hochladen schönen gruß aus Österreich fahr natürlich auch Porsche nur aber 968

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