Pontiac Sunfire GT Thermostat Housing Replacement

Pontiac Sunfire GT Thermostat Housing Replacement

How to replace the leaking thermostat housing in a Pontiac Sunfire GT.



Scott Busick says:

thats not the thermostat housing it’s a water inlet

IndiePunkSnob says:

Oh yay. Totally looking forward to this. Makes me miss my 85 Pontiac Grand
Prix. I could practically climb inside and do the work sitting down. By the
way, it would’ve been cooler if you’d shown the work start to finish, from
good up to running engine and good down.

Eric Ver Linden says:

For someone that owns a Sunfire, I would think you would know better. But,
your just another jackass that “thinks” they know what they’re talking
about. On the Sunfire, the water inlet and the thermostat housing ARE THE
SAME THING. Jackass. Look them up online and you’ll notice that they’re the
exact same. DEE DEE DEE.

DaveRaveVideo says:

On some engines the thermostat is located inside of the water outlet
housing, but on the Cavalier/Sunfire 2.4L engine (apparently shown in this
video) there is no thermostat inside the housing (nor shown on the video).
The thermostat is located under the water pump– which is a terrible design
because replacing an inexpensive, low-reliability thermostat is a VERY
expensive job that requires removing the manifold & water pump and messing
with the timing chain, etc. Unforgiveable design by GM.

RaspingPompano2 says:

Dude I love you for this video.

radell71 says:

The thermostat is located in the back of the engine, below the exhaust
manifold, and you have to take it out of the way to replace it.

Eric Ver Linden says:

Nope, THEY ARE THE SAME. Look it up. If they were different, then why would
some retailers sell them as “Thermostat Housing and Water Outlet”? Dur.

bowiecall853 says:

thermostat is located by the internal water pump on passenger lower side of
engine for 2.4 and is a pain to change and very costly…

ACGNY08 says:

They are different. They may say it’s the thermostat housing at the parts
store, but they are not. On the 2.3l anyway.

sunfire0001 says:

that is the water inlet like scooter1976 stated not the thermostat housing.
If it was, you might find a thermostat behind it, but you don’t, the
thermostat is located under the back of the engine and is only accessible
by crawling under the vehicle or on a hoist. your welcome

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