How to replace a fuel filter on a Grand Prix GTP

How to replace a fuel filter on a Grand Prix GTP

I was never in any danger on this video and the camera and angle is fooling everyone, The car was not lifted up very far so jack stands weren’t needed on thi…



chris jones says:

Thanks!! Im only a college student and this helped alot!

Cliff Arnold says:

no. go to autozone. you need a fuel level sensor kit. its like $30.

james morrison says:

Good video…I will mention though, whenever possible, use box style
wrenches. Try to avoid using adjustables in anyway possible.

RaysFabShop says:

Thanks for the info but the car wasn’t even lifted that high for any damage
to occur had the jack failed on me. The camera and the angle is messing
with everyone on this one. Thanks for watching

RaysFabShop says:

If the jack should of failed it wouldn’t of hurt me in any way because
there is enough clearance, Had the car been a low rider then its a
different story . The camera and its angle is fooling everyone on this
video, Thanks for watching.

atc2kdevil says:

Please don’t ever get under a car without a jack stand, a jack can fail you
need a stand or something solid for safety. Just not smart, otherwise great

drake black says:

what do i do if i cant get it off of the bolt goes in the fuel filter the
female and male part

lbalar says:

will this fix the gas meter from flucuating?

MrCptfalcon69 says:

wow u got to be crazy not using jack stands

Guy Bowen says:

what year is your grand prix

Blu3Rhino says:

Good video but I’ll suggest a couple things for those who have never
changed a fuel filter. You mentioned depressurizing the fuel line at the
Shrader valve on the fuel rail. The fuel rail should be on the passenger
side under the hood. It looks like a tire valve stem. You can take the cap
off and push the pin in the middle just like you would to let air out of a
tire. Also the filter might be too tight for using channel lock and
adjustable pliers. Might need the box type wrenches.

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