Key Battery Peugeot 108 Citroen C1 Prox Key

Key Battery Peugeot 108 Citroen C1 Prox Key

This video will show you how to change the 2032 key battery on a smart key that comes with a Peugeot 108 and Citroen C1

To buy a high quality CR2032 key battery please click on our Amazon link below

Okay, so today we have a Peugeot 108 proximity key, quite unusual and don’t see many of these, be the same on the Citroen and the Toyota no doubt. It’s got two buttons, and it’s fancy, where you can just have it in your pocket, to open the car, start the car. To get the blade out, you just pop this across, and this is your blade, if the battery goes flat on the car. You can take that out or leave it in to change the battery, it doesn’t matter.

Right, so to open the key is quite straightforward. This is what you’re after. This has already been well worn, so we’d say that, this is only a four year old key, so maybe the batteries wear down quite quick. So you just want a decent size screwdriver in there, otherwise you’ll end up with all the damage to the side. If you put in a small screwdriver, you just damage all this bit here, that’s what’s happened here. So nice big screwdriver

Once you’ve got it open that far, just give it a little twist, if it doesn’t want to come open. There you go. Take them apart now, okay? Nice and easy. Stick that apart, blade out the way. As you can probably guess, behind here is the battery. They’ve made a rubber seal here to stop the water getting in. So just pull that off, and we have a 2032.

To get the battery out, you just want to be popping that little groove there, just pop the screwdriver in, out it comes, nice and easy, stick your new one in and push it down, and then don’t forget to put your rubber seal back on. Okay, that’ll keep the water out if it gets wet. Then clip it all back together. Your light coming on there. To pop your key back in, just slide it back in, it clips in place. So with a two button Peugeot 108 proximity key you are good to go.

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Frank Bosch says:

Actually, you can use the tip of the blade key instead of a screwdriver. Fits perfectly.

Simon Webb says:

The end of the key blade is designed to fit exactly inside the side slot to prize the sides apart. Just an extra bit of info for you.

moodymanc63 says:

Thank you so much.

Hannah Gardner-Javid says:

Really helpful and straight forward – thanks!

Lucy Crossley says:

Hey, the manual recommends a CR2016 V3 battery would it be a problem using the same one as you have?

Nuno Mineiro says:

sorry you don t need a screwdriver. the key itself after removed fits in the plastic hole to open the device. this way the plastic won t be damaged like you have done

Greg W says:

Perfect, thanks mate.

Buy High Sell Low says:

Simple and straight to the point. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

John O'Connell says:

Does the key not need re-programming if the battery goes dead?

lennonpolo says:

I've just changed my batteries following this video, thanks, it was a great help!

Caitlin Gard says:

What type of battery is this ?

Alex Briggs says:

Hi there….. can you buy silicone or plastic cover cases for these keys?

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