HOW TO install Quick release & OMP Steering Wheel Peugeot 206 *Vlog.30*

HOW TO install Quick release & OMP Steering Wheel Peugeot 206 *Vlog.30*

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laufer says:

Poz Dino da li se moze montirati taj volan bez tog crvenog sto sluzi sa skidanje?

Adam Paulley says:

You need to get the wiring kit to turn your airbag off… Here in the UK if your airbag light is on it will fail it's MOT….

Martim Freitas says:

The steering wheel that he had already on the car was better

kopi laut says:

MY PUG 206 from Indonesia…..thanks for your learning

mijat m says:

Zna li neko za sta sluzi rucica ispod rucice brisaca na ovim pre restaj modelima? Da li je tempomat ili komande za radio?

AGM MotorSport says:

What do you do to cancel the airbag light?

Mihailo Pavicevic says:

Dino, a šta je sa sirenom ? 🙂

Djani010 says:

But how to install the hub

WPSavage says:

Why The fuck u have eng subtitle but u speaking some wierd as shit language?!

Carlos Fernández says:

Hello mate. Do you have the airbag light on??

N3D4 says:

Imas like i sub od mene i puno licis na divlju tresnju hahaha

Lazar Jovanovic says:

Prelep video,ekstra odradjen posao.

Vu Gamer says:

Jel to univerzalno za sve aute?

dandyMTB says:

Kako si napravio za trubu?

Tomica Martin says:

Pre AWESOME!! super je ispalo! i dobar video! svuđaju mi se tvoja videa, imaš dobar pristup, komunikativan i vidi se veliki napredak od početka vloga, samo jako Dino!

Geva Soraski says:

Nice! looking forward to the update about the quick shift.

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