EXHAUST Replacement ( middle + end ) – Peugeot 307

EXHAUST Replacement ( middle + end ) – Peugeot 307

Video guide showing how to replace the Middle Exhaust and End Exhaust (muffler) in Peugeot 307 SW (2005).
Hope it helps.



Lars McKie says:

Your videos are much appreciated! I have the exact same problem with my 307 – both end and middle muffler in good condition except the heavily corroded joint between them. Very odd design, it's asking to rust 🙂

SmartwatcherS S says:

this is a hell of a job. my exaust has broken also but like yours i have to replace mid en end part. obviously its a weak point.

Nick Smith says:

Hi again! Our 307's exhaust end box recently dropped, now scraping on the floor! After a brief visual inspection, it would appear that the exhaust collar clamp (that joins the middle + end sections) had completely deteriorated and broken apart. I aim to replace the collar clamp, but I'm not confident that's going to stop the exhaust back box from dropping. The rubber support mounts seem OK (not broken). Does that collar clamp prevent the box from tilting down? I've looked at some other 307 exhausts in my village and some appear to have a support bar going diagonally across the length of the end box, I seem to have a strap. I imagine you may have some experience here, whilst fitting your exhaust in this video.

What are your views on this?

afisz80 says:

Åšlicznie tam miaÅ‚eÅ› z tyÅ‚u poÅ‚atane 🙂 W tym samym miejscu uÅ‚amaÅ‚o mi siÄ™ niedawno i ciÄ…gnÄ…Å‚em po ziemi, na szczęście już byÅ‚o blisko do mechanika. Te wieszaki gumowo-metalowe to genialny patent… No i widzÄ™ że za dużo miejsca do takiej pracy (tym bardziej filmowania) nie masz, wiÄ™c tym bardziej doceniam! BrzÄ™czy mi wydech z okolic katalizatora, myÅ›lisz że taki kat z allegro JMJ za 400 zeta wystarczy?

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