Olds Cutlass Ciera XC, conversion of ECM code to work with 28 Lb/Hr fuel injectors.

Olds Cutlass Ciera XC, conversion of ECM code to work with 28 Lb/Hr fuel injectors.

1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera XC with 2.8 MPFI engine. Startup of engine after converting to 28 Lb/Hr injectors in preparation for turbocharger install.



MrElectroEngineering says:

So if I put an engine in a 83 cutlass supreme with 400hp and 350 ft-lb
torque what do you think its 60-120 km/h and 0-60km/h speeds going to be?
(First car project)

Juan Gonzalez says:

LOL this video answered my question on the other video

davida1hiwaaynet says:

@MIGHTYSAMINYOURFACE No problem! Lots of folks don’t even know there are
formulas to calculate HP per injector flow so you’re still way ahead of the
game! 🙂

davida1hiwaaynet says:

@MIGHTYSAMINYOURFACE It’s a 2.8L V6. I did the math in the past and came up
with a little higher HP per cyl than that. Anyway that is nearly 300 HP
worth of fuel – more than this engine will need without a full build! Check
my other videos, I have installed a turbo on this car and it performs quite
well, with the transmission being the limiting factor.

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