How to replace a wheel stud bolt

How to replace a wheel stud bolt

This would be an appropriate hammer for this job from Amazon click HERE→…



Liistro777 says:

And I thought you were married to spanky.

abrarrt says:

i did it but i forget to spray lubricate, so it was really hard for me.

Jared V says:

Dude the love tap killed me lol

Jose Miranda says:

What kind of car are u working on 

mrloaf says:

I’m glad to see i’m not the only one that uses the hammer scream technique

wyattg42 says:

love your videos but always state the car you are working on.

kstaats13 says:

Great tip dude. Almost fell for buying one of the $22 lug install tool!

James Buttery says:

Is there always a little space in the dust shield behind the hub Brian that
you have to line up? What if there isn’t? Different method to remove it?

Chris Eckeard says:

Good video but it’s best practice to never let a brake assembly hang from
the brake line. Keep up the good work.

heettreet says:

its not that i haven’t done this before ,, i had a small dumptruck business
yrs ago ,, i subbed because of the way you instruct ,,, i like down to
earth tutorials

P Grimmo says:

Great vid. Lots of help. About to do my first broken one now. I doubt lunch
will be provided !! cheers from Downunder.

xiadrune says:

i got 2 brocken studs on my dodge neon, i was so worried and pissed. Found
this video and LMAO! “1…2…3 AHHHHHHH” made my day better 🙂

estrelladelnorte1308 says:

keep em coming brian !! thanks!

briansmobile1 says:

You’re welcome mate!

ryan tes says:

Just make sure you have a strong socket. Craftsman sockets are pretty
durable i’ve come to find. But you may split your socket hammering it.

briansmobile1 says:

I’m flattered- thank you! I think you just made my day!

briansmobile1 says:

You’re welcome!

Saqib8823 says:

Helpful! Thanks bro!

kidakrasia says:

excellent video… getting ready to replace my subaru’s lugs on all four…
recommend a good beer to go with it?

windycitizian says:

How was your dinner?

Adam Kawwaff says:

Thanks for the video…very helpful!!

briansmobile1 says:

Pretty much anything oil bath. (has a pump linked to an electric motor with
a belt)

1991JeepMan says:

I have to replace the lug studs on my wife’s car and this is very helpful!
Many thanks! Also I do plan to yell “love tap…. ARHHHH!” when I go to
bust the old one out!

Edgar Gonzalez says:

Thanks, hope it helps tomorrow

Dean Schreiber says:

just suck it in with a wrench. it works the same

briansmobile1 says:

I have special Craftsman socket that bite in as the go CCW that pull them
out. You can also hammer a socket on to them and that will work sometimes.

briansmobile1 says:

You’re welcome buddy!

briansmobile1 says:

Pretty much the same. You may have to notch the burl on one side.

briansmobile1 says:

Thanks. I really like specific feedback like that.

COmusic7 says:

“1,2 love tap…. ARHHH” best line ever

localst0ner . says:

gonna go get some “dinner”

swaggerameister says:

Thank you!

Sickwhip95 says:

Haha good video

jfg9119 says:

How about a 01 grand am se

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