The ’72 Oldsmobile Hurst Cutlass wasn’t developed by Oldsmobile, this was a product of Hurst Performance. A Dodge Challenger was suppose to be the Indy 500 p…



55lincoln says:

To me those smog devices caused the engines to sputter but yes, they do run better on regular fuel. In fact, when smog devices are removed they do run better. Park bench bumpers? lol Thats a new description. So far as weight of bumpers is concern, those glitzy 50’s cars had very massive and heavy bumpers. Thanks for viewing and commenting.

cougstang says:

The only benefit of the smog era engines is that they run good on regular fuel. On a brighter note there was some big blocks that still performed quite well especially with the emission devices removed. The downfall of the ’73 and up cars was the big park bench bumpers which made the cars very heavy.

55lincoln says:

Right you are. I remember very well how horsepower was reduced with the air pollution gadgets installed. Disgusting performance. And you are correct, the big 3 underated the hp for insurance purposes. The days of muscle cars was coming to an end. Thanks for commenting.

itsmegp46 says:

Three things were going against horsepower forty years ago. One, pollution controls were making themselves felt, which reduced horsepower. Two, 1972 was the last year gross horsepower was listed, so the horsepower this engine actually made was less. In 1973, net horsepower was the number used. Three, the big three sometimes underrated an engines particular horsepower rating for insurance purposes.

55lincoln says:

I don’t know the details about the Dodge pace car being totaled. Apparently, Dodge couldn’t replace it in time whereas Hurst developed these Hurst Cutlass’s in record time. The ’72 Indy is the only time a manufacturer instead of a CAR manufacturer had a pace car in the race. Amazing. And, engineering has come a long way in tweeking out more hp and tourque in cars than they use to. Oh, and better gas mileage too. Thanks for watching.

vipmd says:

455 CID with only 270-300 HP? We have come a long way! I was always told you should have 1 horsepower per cubic inch, but now we’re doing even better than that 🙂 Why was the Dodge Challenger pace car in an accident? Doesn’t make sense when you think about it. Beautiful car! Thumbs up

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