10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Hi everyone, It’s that time of the year again where we all want to get fit for the warmer season. Today, I’m going to share 10 easy but effective ways to hel…



Hayley Lucey says:

I’m 12 and I’m 115 I feel so fat I hate it I wanna be skinny but it’s hard
for me I love food but I don’t like the good kind of food :(

Stanley Frink says:

Im 5’9 14 almost 15 and weight around 193. Whats a healthy number to be at?
I know I am overweight and trying to lose it

Hostility AJ says:

Im 11 and i weigh 164 pounds. Its really hard to loose weight for me. I
cant eat healthy because good food is expensive for us so i have to eat
white food. I guess i should starve myself and work out

Jacquelin Garcia says:

I’m 11 yrs old and I’m 90 pounds, is that normal? Someone please response!

ScruffyLilPuppy says:

Help!! im 12 and weigh 175. i know thats bad im 5’2 and im trying to eat
healthy and i try to do blogilates workouts but i lose motavation each time
🙁 i try to think ‘if i eat this and do workouts ill be healthier and look
better’ but it just doesnt help:( help please!!!

Pumpkin Power says:

Is this normal ? I’m 11 and 143 pounds, I feel soo fat. How should I lose
weight? :p

JUST GTA V says:

Im 13 and 191 please help

Madison Root says:

I’m 5’4 and weigh 113 is that good??

Alessandra Avendanio says:

I’m 10 I’m 5’1 and I weigh 182 pounds

GKthedirectorTV says:


Eliyah C. says:

Someone please help I’m 14 and weight 114 pound and my height is about 5’3
is this normal??

dlnfox says:

I’m a 11 year old boy and I’m 180 pounds

Misaki Ichihara says:

Its hard for me to lose weight im 10 I am 91 pounds but even thouh it seems
pretty good I still want to be in the 80’s

oliver t says:

Can you drink milk and eat homemade juice and not have to worry?

Angela Li says:

im 10 and im 70 pounds and im only 4 feet 6 inches is that normal plz reply

Ivana Koceva says:

im going to be 12 this year in november and im 110 most of my
friends/family (cousins) are from 85-90

XnstX says:

Im 11 and I weight 147 punds

Meg Conlon says:

I was just diagnosed with anorexia a few months ago, and I’ve lost about 20
pounds. I’m 11 and 107 pounds. I’m 5’1 and I’m telling you, I HATE food.

TakeTheBreak says:

I’m 11 and 105 ibs but I’m the second fastest runner in my whole school. Is
this normal or?

ZemroxHD says:

I’m 13 and I weigh 141 pounds :(

Christina D. Rogers says:

Great video! Actually i’m reading the new Ricky Dawson’s free report “The 7
Golden Tips” . It contains also a lot of valuablme information on how to
drop pounds easily . Thank you again for inspiring me!

jennie cat says:

I’m 13, 5’6 and 189 pounds

Pauo Tomlinson says:

I ate a banana while watching this and when she said you shouldnt eat
before you go to sleep I was like damnit >:( and threw it away.Then i
continued watching the video..fuq XD

Trisha Taylor says:

im 10 and I weigh 106 pounds 🙁 

Leslie Martinez says:

Cool tips *-* I found a natural fruit product that really works for me *. .
.* It really kept my cravings down..

Cookies! says:

Where is she from? I like her accent? Xxxx

Jeana Philly says:

I am11 and 50. I want to loose weight

Slay Kray says:

Im 14, my weight is 90 lbs (was 85 lbs) and I’n recovering from anorexia.
Please do not start try losing weight before you’re fully developed and
past puberty. You might risk going through the hell I’ve been in, and trust
me; You won’t.

And remember; It is what’s on the inside of a person that is beautyful,
never judge by looks :)

Awesomex says:

I’m 11, 5’8 and 132 pounds!
Is this overweight?

BasketFullOfRainbows says:

Im 16 and 103lbs is that normal or overweight ? 😛 btw Im 5’2 as well

Ender Bunny says:

lol im from northern ireland to!!!

Huniya A says:

I am 12. I weight 53kg.I really need to lose weight. Any tips¿

Roselyn Castillo says:

homemade soda:
-seltzer/ club soda
-juice/fruit stuff/ meh…
put stuff in a glass/jar/thing/?!!. drink.

Maria Rivera says:

I am 9, I am like 150+ cm an I weigh like 80 or 70

animelover127 says:

I’m 12 and weighs 106 pounds, is that normal?

Emofires says:

This is the only video I found where no one’s trying to sell something.

mabel perez says:

+Trisha Taylor omg same I’m 10 and weigh 106 pounds I gotta lose weight cuz
I wanna be in gymnastics :)

Nitric Fuse says:

This motivates me to lose weight but i beat by tomorrow im going to be back
in the bad routine

reveeza pinas says:

i am still on school so is a 3 meal a day good 2

MissXMinecraft098 says:

Can I drink cold green tea?

Lucky Penne says:

There are so many 10-11 year olds in the comments worrying about their
weight :/ 

Leah Sanderson says:

I’m 11 and a half and I’m 4’10-11 feet tall and I’m 86 lbs is that good?

thequeenundisputed says:

It makes me sad to see all of these young kids in the comments so caught up
over what they weigh. At 10/11/12 etc. your top priority shouldn’t be
whether you are considered thin. Be a kid, eat what your parents feed you,
try and form healthy habits (for example, cutting out soda as Bubs said or
making sure you have some physical activity each day) but don’t worry about
the number. When I was your age I didn’t even know what I weighed! You guys
are still young and you’re still growing. Your body is going to be going
through a lot of changes and 5 years from now you’ll hardly be able to
recognize the you of today. Your weight and appearance at such a young age
has next to no bearing on what you will look like as an adult, but the
healthy habits you start right now will, so just worry about being healthy
as opposed to being “skinny”. Healthy looks good at any age and at any

arielle mattes says:

jesus what the fuck is wrong with our society when every 10-15 year old is
so self absorbed that they’re worrying about their weight rather than

Minnie Fantage says:

Im 11and I was 28kg now I’m 30kg and Im like WHAT?!?!

Really why am I so heavy and fat to me. Can someone tell me ;-; 

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